Life Reset: 59 Online Business Ideas for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Does the idea of creating your own online business, earning a big income, and having the freedom to work whatever days and hours YOU choose fill you with giddy excitement? 

If so, you may have entrepreneuricitis digititis.

Don’t panic, though. The condition, which has been spreading at breakneck speed in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, is completely normal and manageable.

If you’ve got it, but haven’t taken action to address it, think about what’s holding you back from going after your entrepreneurial dreams. Common examples include: 

  • Fear of being heckled and judged by your friends and family
  • Fear of failing, going broke, and slinking back to your previous career with your head hung low 
  • Lack of knowledge about how the eff you can actually even make money with an online business

As a serial entrepreneur who hit on business success after a few failures — I mean, learning experiences — I’m here to help face your entrepreneuricitis digititis head on.

For now, let’s get started on your life reset by addressing the third bullet point above: Lack of knowledge about how the eff you can actually even make money with an online business. 

I’ve experienced that gut wrenching feeling of knowing you want to reset your life and do your own thing, but not having a clue about WHAT that ‘thing’ will be.

I’ve been where you are, my friend. I feel your pain. 

To kick your entrepreneurial brain into gear, sometimes you just need to see what others are doing.

In this post, I’ve compiled 59 online business ideas. Use them as inspiration as you to take your first critical steps toward resetting your life — and achieving your entrepreneurial dreams.  


For a complete 16-point checklist on how to start a successful online business, read this post next: How to Become Your Own Boss.


Life Reset Category 1: Online Coaching and/or Consulting


online business coach

Share your expertise with others, whatever it may be. Some ideas for online coaching/consulting businesses include:

1. Business coach

2. Website SEO consultant

3. Life coach

4. Parenting coach

5. Health and wellness coach

6. Home organization consultant

7. Public relations consultant

8. Fitness coach/trainer

9. Startup business consultant

10. Social media consultant for businesses

11. Interior design consultant

12. Garden design consultant

13. Style/clothing consultant

14. Anger management coach

15. College admissions consultant

16. Travel consultant


Life Reset Category 2: Blogging 


food blogger online business idea

Start a blog website focused on your business niche. Then decide how you’re going to make money from your blog. The most common ways to monetize a blog include:  

17. Creating and selling products related to your business niche. These can be physical products or digital products (e.g. online courses, downloadable ebooks)

18. Doing affiliate marketing (i.e. promoting other companies’ products/services and earning a commission on of any sales that come through your link)

19. Selling ad space

20. Writing sponsored posts (e.g. other businesses pay you to write a post on your blog — usually showing their company/product/service in a good light)

Some popular blog categories include food blogs, travel blogs, business blogs, finance blogs, and health and fitness blogs.

But when it comes to blog niche ideas, the possibilities are endless. Most of the business ideas listed in the Coaching & Consulting category above, for example, could also work as profitable blog niches. 

In addition to your blog, you might also consider starting a YouTube channel and/or podcast in the same niche–to expand your online platform and reach a broader audience. 


Life Reset Category 3: Remote Professional Services


Use your expertise to offer professional services remotely. Ideas include:

21. Graphic designer

22. Website designer (and/or website theme designer)

23. Copywriter

24. Non-fiction ghost writer

25. Speechwriter

26. Resume/CV and cover letter writer

27. Virtual assistant

28. Educational tutor

29. Online researcher

30. Editor 

31. Proofreader

32. Translator

33. Foreign language teacher

34. Cooking instructor

35. Legal consultant (business or personal)

36. Social media manager

37. Accountant or bookkeeper

38. Nutritionist

39. Therapist

40. Financial advisor


Life Reset Category 4: Remote Technical Services


Use your expertise to offer technical services remotely. Ideas include:

41. Website developer

42. App developer

43. Video producer/editor

44. IT support specialist


Life Reset Category 5: e-Commerce 


ecommerce business idea


Promote and sell physical products online, then ship them to the buyer. Ideas for what you can sell are endless. Create your own products or use a dropshipping model.

Some ideas include:

45. Handmade jewelry

46. Your own clothing line

47. Flip your vintage and/or thrift store finds

48. T-shirts with sayings printed on them

49. Your own art (or NFTs? Eh, maybe not.)

50. Holistic pet treats

51. Gourmet dog food (subscription packages!)

52. Custom pet portraits

53. Natural/organic beauty products

54. Handcrafted furniture

55. 3D-printed products

56. Health & wellness products

57. House plants and planters

58. Curate gift boxes and/or care packages

59. Invent/develop your own niche product 

Is there another online business idea I didn’t mention? Let me know in the comments, and I’ll update this Life Reset post with the best ideas (along with a link crediting you for the idea).