In today’s hustle and bustle world, time is a precious commodity. How many times do we hear people wishing for “more hours in the day”? If you ever have that feeling, or find yourself struggling to juggle all the responsibilities of your personal life and work life, I hear ya. I still feel that way. Sometimes.

Most days, however, I feel thankful for the time freedom I’ve created for myself as a solopreneur. With the right mindset and strategies, I’m confident you can achieve time freedom, too.

In this post, I’m diving into the whole concept of time freedom—and sharing some practical steps you can take to create more time to do the things that make you feel happy and fulfilled.

My Personal Concept of Time Freedom

What do I mean by time freedom? In short, I just mean having the flexibility to do what you want, when you want.

Going a bit deeper, time freedom is about being able to control how you spend your time. It is about finding a balance between work, leisure, and personal shenanigans. It’s about creating a life that allows you the freedom to pursue your passions and do things that make you  feel happy and fulfilled-—while still fulfilling your responsibilities and earning a good income.

Time freedom is the freedom to allocate your time according to your priorities. It means being in control of your schedule and being able to choose how you spend each moment of your day.

Imagine having the ability to take spontaneous trips with your friends and family—or slipping off for some much needed alone time—without worrying about work commitments or time constraints. When you’ve created time freedom in your life, you can do just that. You can plan vacations, weekend getaways, or even unplanned day trips, without feeling restricted by a rigid schedule.

But time freedom isn’t all about sitting on a faraway beach drinking a cocktail out of a coconut!  (In fact, one of the perks of creating time freedom is that you’re also creating a life you don’t feel the need to escape from.)

Whether it’s painting, practicing yoga, starting a new business, reading more books, or deciding to sleep in on Tuesday, time freedom means having the ability to do those things. Without feeling an ounce of guilt.

Creating Time Freedom Is More Important than Ever

street sign that says, "the rat race" with image of three running rats

Trying to live up to society’s definition of “success” is a miserable way to live (in my humble opinion). The constant pressure to do more in less time can lead to burnout and a lack of fulfillment.

By achieving time freedom, we can avoid the trap of busyness and hustle culture—and ensure we make time for the things that truly bring us joy and fulfillment.

Here’s the thing: Time freedom isn’t actually about having more free time.

It’s about having the flexibility to spend your time according to your own goals, dreams, and desires. It’s about prioritizing what truly matters to you—whatever those things may be. And living life on your own terms.

Time Management Is Central to Achieving Time Freedom

Time management plays a crucial role in achieving time freedom. It involves prioritizing tasks, setting goals, and making efficient use of your time. By implementing effective time management strategies, you can maximize productivity, focus more time on the things that make the most difference, and do more of what you love.

chalk board with pareto principle sketch showing 80-20 rule for time management

The Basics of Time Management

Effective time management starts with understanding and prioritizing your tasks. I do this by making a list and categorizing tasks based on their urgency and importance. This helps me allocate my time more efficiently and ensure I don’t overlook important tasks or milestone goals.

When prioritizing tasks, consider both short-term and big, fat long-term goals. Short-term goals are tasks that need immediate attention, while long-term goals require planning and persistence. By balancing both types of goals, you can maintain focus on the present while working towards a future with more time freedom.

  • TIP: Break down tasks into very small, manageable steps, and set deadlines for each step. This will help you stay focused and motivated (ultimately leading to greater time freedom).

Create a schedule and stick to it. By blocking out specific time slots for specific tasks, you can see exactly what you need to get done, make the most of your time, and avoid wasting it on unproductive activities.

Technology can be a useful tool in managing your time more effectively. Task management apps, calendars, and reminders can all help you stay organized and on track. There are some great time management tools available today. Find the ones that work for you! (I’m a big fan of combining old school calendars and planners with productivity apps).

Common Time Management Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Despite our best intentions, we can all fall into time management traps. Three common ones are:

Failing to prioritize tasks. It’s easy to get caught up in the urgency of the moment and neglect important but less urgent tasks. To avoid this, regularly evaluate your priorities and allocate your time accordingly.

Overcommitting. Sometimes we say yes to too many things. In your personal life, it may because we have a hard time saying no to friends and family. In work, it may be because we don’t want to upset a client or worse yet, lose out on potential income. But overcommitting is sure to backfire. Taking on more tasks than you can handle will only lead to stress and inefficiency. Learn to say no when necessary. Recognize your limitations and focus on tasks that align with your priorities and will move you closer to your goals.

Procrastinating. This is a big, fat time management pitfall. It can be hard to dive into tasks that feel challenging or unpleasant. It’s so easy to just do “this one little thing” first. Or “quickly” check in on social media. Or suddenly need a snack. I get it!! Overcoming procrastination requires self-discipline and organization.

  • TIP: My go-to strategy to prevent procrastination is to give myself one teeny tiny task to complete. Something I can do in say 15 minutes. I set a timer (I use the Focus at Will app) and get to work, knowing I only have to commit for 15 minutes. Breaking tasks into smaller, manageable chunks and tackling them one at a time is great way to tackle those tasks you really want to put off. By taking small steps consistently, you’ll make steady progress. Plus, for me, getting started is often the hardest part. Once I commit to 15 minutes (or 30 or whatever I’ve decided), it’s usually enough to get me in the groove. And then I’ll keep going.

The Impact of Lifestyle Choices on Time Freedom

Our lifestyle has a significant impact on our ability to achieve time freedom. Two aspects to consider are health and fitness, and leisure and relaxation.

What impact does health and fitness have on time freedom?

Your health and fitness can have a profound effect on your overall productivity and time management. Regular exercise, eating healthy foods (most of the time), and getting enough sleep can boost your energy levels and improve your focus. I find just taking a 30 minute walk with my dog can often free my mind and get my creative juices flowing. I often come up with my best ideas when I’m outside moving, rather than sitting at my computer.

What impact does leisure and relaxation have on time freedom?

While it may seem counterintuitive, making time for leisure and relaxation is essential for improving productivity and achieving time freedom. Taking breaks, pursuing hobbies, and spending quality time with loved ones rejuvenates and recharges us. It helps us maintain a healthy work-life balance and prevents burnout.

Time Freedom Is Yours for the Taking

fork in the road with sunset in the background

In a world where time seems to slip away from us, achieving time freedom might seem like an elusive dream. But with the right mindset and strategies, you can create more time for yourself and reclaim control over your days.

If you’re thinking of breaking free from your current job and starting a business of your own, read this post for step-by-step guidance: How to Become Your Own Boss: The Complete 16-Point Checklist for Starting a Successful Online Business.