Trying to figure out how  to escape the 9 to 5 grind? Or break free from the golden handcuffs of your high-powered-but-increasingly-miserable corporate career? Welcome to Grab Your Happy, kindred spirit!

Lots of business coaches and bloggers and successful solopreneurs talk about the importance of shifting your mindset in order to finally set out on your own — and live out your dreams of freedom, financial security, and fulfillment.

But not everyone agrees on the mindset elements that are essential to such success.

Can I share a dirty little secret with you?

I don’t believe in destiny. Or fate. Or manifesting.

In short, I pooh-pooh a lot of the woo-woo.

If I can do it, so can you. Really!

I’m a pragmatist at heart. But I also believe in taking calculated risks. And I think that those two things have helped me get where I am with my business.

As a serial entrepreneur, I’ve I had a lot of ups and downs and small wins and fantastic failures over the past few decades. One thing I’ve figured out is that the way you think — about your business, yourself, and life in general — has a lot to do with your ultimate success.

As far as mindset goes, there are four key areas that have helped me succeed as an entrepreneur. None of which have to do with channeling “abundance” or writing love songs to money.

how to escape the 9 to 5 - magic lantern

To be a successful entrepreneur, you need to be able to:

1) Think strategically

2) Take smart risks

3) Keep learning

4) And enjoy the ride

Once you’ve trained your brain to do those four things, you’re pretty much golden.

And you can kiss your 9 to 5 job buh-bye! 

woman celebrates how to quit the 9 to 5
woman celebrates how to quit the 9 to 5
woman celebrates how to quit the 9 to 5

Because when you hit bumps in the road (which is inevitable as an entrepreneur), you’ll be in the right mindset to problem solve, make confident decisions, and take swift action.

And because you’ll be enjoying the process, you’ll have the stick-to-it-ness you need to succeed. Which is perhaps the most important thing of all.

When you stick it out, you give yourself the time and space to learn and grow. With time, you’ll figure out what works for you. You’ll understand how to become your own boss. You’ll get better at the whole entrepreneur thing. You’ll gain new skills and build self-confidence and learn to claim your value. And when you do that, others will see your value, too.

Which brings me to WHY I started this blog. 

I was raised to believe it’s impolite (gross, actually) for people to talk about how much money they make. And honestly, it still feels like an icky thing to do. But I’m going to do it anyway to make a point. 

I earn a six-figure income with my online copywriting business. And I typically work about 20 to 30 hours per week.

In other words, it’s totally possible to make a living on your own terms, as your own boss, without working around the clock. If I could do it, you can too. 

I knew early on that I’m just not cut out for a 9 to 5 job. In fact, the only time I’ve had a regular job, with set business hours, and a steady (albeit paltry) paycheck, was when I was living in a ski town for a year in my 20s — and I worked in a bank during the “off-season” (aka, during the months when the ski resort was closed).

I started Grab Your Happy (this blog website you’ve landed on) because I want to help other entrepreneurially-spirited women find the confidence to strike out on their own and achieve success on their own terms.

Sure, most of the information I share here will be relevant to men too. But truth be told, I’m just kinda tired of meeting smart, talented, driven women who feel like they’re trapped in jobs they don’t enjoy.

. . . Or women who take the leap to do their own thing (like start an online business) but then hit a plateau. And either struggle to make money, working around the clock and burning out — or give up on their dreams and go back to the 9 to 5 grind.

In short, I want to help people like you (I assume, since you’ve read this far) become successful, confident, and happy entrepreneurs.

This blog is the place I’ve created to share practical tips, templates, shortcuts, guidance, and all manner of  learned-it-along-the-way advice I can muster. My hope is that you might find some little nugget in something I say that will help you chart your own path to success, be your own boss, and enjoy life on your own terms.

If you’re ready to finally grab YOUR happy, I’m here for ya.

Do you have questions or specific topics you’d like me to cover? Please, PLEASE let me know.