How do you maintain the drive and passion to keep your one-person business moving forward?

Solopreneurship requires a a strong dose of self-reliance. Because you don’t have a boss or co-workers holding you accountable, offering support, or motivating you to keep moving forward.

When you’re building and growing a one-person business or blog, you’re going to have ups and downs. Some days (or weeks or months!) you’ll be sizzling with energy and excitement about where you’re headed.

Other times, you’ll lose motivation and feel like maybe, just maybe, you should shut the whole thing down.

In this post, I’m sharing six tips to help you keep moving forward to achieve your business goals.


6 ways to keep your one-person business moving forward


1. Double down on your WHY

business woman standing on a crate in desert focusing her sights through a telescope

If you ever feel like you’re losing the motivation and drive to keep your one-person business moving forward, it may be time to delve back into your WHY.

What drove you to start your business in the first place?

To start and run a successful one-person business, you must have a clear vision of WHY you’re doing it.

Reignite your engine!

What was your reason for wanting to start your business? Your core reason. The thing that hits you on an emotional level.

Whatever your reason, keep that in mind as you move forward.

Does your WHY need any adjusting? Does it still align with your core desires and long-term goals?

Take some time to rethink your WHY. Double down on your vision.

Staying laser-focused on what matters most to you will give you the motivation to push through challenges and setbacks that arise in your one-person business.

Ultimately, your WHY is what will keep you moving forward with purpose and passion as you start and grow your one-person business.


2. Set meaningful goals

woman writing in a yellow leather journal thinking about how to keep your one-person business moving forward

Back up your WHY!  In other words, create meaningful and specific goals that align with your vision and values.

Rather than simply setting generic goals like “increase my income,” dig deeper to identify how you will do that. For example, you might set a goal to raise your rates by X amount within the next six months. Or set a goal to create and sell a digital course that will bring in another revenue stream.

When you set specific and meaningful goals, you’ll be more motivated to work towards them. And you’ll feel a greater sense of accomplishment when you achieve them.


3. Find your productivity rhythm

woman working productively at standup desk

Having time freedom is one of the main reasons I started my own business.

I love having me as my boss!

If you’re a solopreneur (or planning to become one), I’m guessing you feel the same way.

Having the flexibility to create your own schedule and work at your own pace is so freeing! It’s one of the best things about solopreneurship.

But there’s a catch.

When you set your schedule, you need to avoid two common problems:

1) You’re so hell-bent on achieving your dream that you fall prey to the hustle culture mentality. You work around the clock and burn yourself out.


2) You give yourself soooo much flexibility that you aren’t very productive.  And your motivation slowly drifts away. And your business suffers.

You need to avoid both those scenarios! One way to do that is to find what I like to call your “productivity rhythm.”

Take some time to experiment with different work schedules and routines to find what works best for you. Some people are most productive in the morning, while others work better in the evening.

Identify the times of day when you’re most productive, and schedule your most important tasks during those periods.


4. Break down big projects

woman writing on a sticky note stuck to a window with many other sticky notes on the glass

When you’re working on a large project or task, it can be overwhelming and demotivating. To avoid feeling stuck, try breaking down big projects into smaller, more manageable tasks.

This can help you stay focused on one step at a time and give you a sense of accomplishment as you complete each task.

As you move through each stage of the project, you’ll feel more motivated and energized to continue working towards your ultimate goal.


5. Don’t be a loner

smiling woman with coffee cup chatting on computer video

Working alone can be isolating. But it doesn’t have to be.

Building a support network is something I did far too late in my business. I used to be a non-joiner.  It’s one lesson I really wish I would’ve learned earlier in life.

Find a mentor (or two or five). Seek out a like-minded solopreneurs. Lean on others who know what you’re going through. They can provide valuable insights, advice, and support when you’re feeling stuck or facing challenges.


6. Give yourself credit

woman relaxing in a big wicker chair looking content

If you’re making progress, you’re doing great. When you achieve a goal or complete a project, take a moment to acknowledge your hard work and give yourself credit for what you’ve accomplished.

It can be as simple as taking a break in the sunshine for an hour. Treating yourself to a favorite meal. Throw a little party if you’re feeling it!

Celebrating your successes can help you stay motivated and remind you of the progress you’ve made on your solopreneurial journey.

Remember, it’s okay to have moments of feeling unmotivated or overwhelmed. The key is to have strategies in place to help you push through those moments. Keep moving your one-person business forward. And stay focused on the bigger picture: creating a life you love.


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