Dreamers and Doers

Hello, entrepreneurial friend!

Quick question for you: Do you consider yourself EITHER a dreamer OR a doer?

If so, maybe you can relate to one of the following descriptions:

  •  You’re an eternal dreamer with a vast imagination . . . who can’t seem to take action on your entrepreneurial dreams.


  • You’re an energetic and organized doer . . . who is so focused on “getting things done” that you don’t allow yourself the space to dream.

Here’s the thing: If you want to find success as an entrepreneur, you need to be able to tap into BOTH the dreamer AND the doer within you.

– As an entrepreneur, you need to be able to dream—using your imagination to create a grand vision for what you want to achieve.

– But if you actually want to bring your dreams to fruition, the doer in you must step in to take the necessary actions.

The good news is that we can all dream, and we can all do. The two are not mutually exclusive.

entrepreneur dreaming and doing

3 Secrets of Successful Entrepreneurs

The most successful entrepreneurs are both dreamers AND doers. Here are three things that set them apart:

1. They give themselves permission to dream big.

2. They plan, they take action, and they persist. Successful entrepreneurs are committed to realizing their dreams. They are brave, strategic thinkers who don’t throw in the towel when challenges arise.

3. They never stop dreaming and never stop doing. Because they know change is inevitable (in business and in life), successful entrepreneurs continuously seek out new ways to grow and improve.

quote about dreamers

How to Be a Dreamer and a Doer

As you start your entrepreneurial journey, allow yourself to dream big and set sky-high goals.

Next, make a plan, and get strategic about how you will bring your dream to life.

Planning only goes so far, however. To keep moving forward, you need to put your plans into action.

Because constant planning and no action is really just dreaming in disguise.

Be persistent. When you come up against unexpected obstacles, figure out how to get around them. Or pivot, and find a new way forward.

If you give up on your dream because you’re not seeing results fast enough, or because you can’t immediately solve a problem, you do yourself a big disservice. In effect, you’re telling yourself you’re not capable of achieving your dreams.

But when you are persistent—when you commit to moving forward no matter what comes your way, you will often see things in a new light.

When you continue to dream and plan and act, youll be amazed at what you can accomplish. In fact, you’ll often find new ways to move forward with even greater success.

You just need to give yourself the time and space to do so.


A Lil’ Poem About Dreamers and a Doers

To help explain the power of being both a dreamer AND a doer, I’ve compiled an assortment of inspirational quotes.

And I’ve arranged them into a poem, of sorts. 🙂

Here we go . . .

Of Entrepreneurs and Dreamers and Doers: A Poem in Quotes


reciting quotes about dreamers


“Nothing happens unless first we dream.” —Carl Sandburg

“Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” Mark Twain

“So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon seem inevitable.” ―Christopher Reeve

“If you take responsibility for yourself, you will develop a hunger to accomplish your dreams.” ―Les Brown


“The secret of getting ahead is getting started.” —Mark Twain

“The good news is that at the Break of Dawn you have the choice to either stay in bed and keep dreaming or wake up and pursue your dreams. For the only one who can make your dreams come true is you.” ―Bernard Kelvin Clive

“I imagine that yes is the only living thing.” ―e. e. cummings

“What you do today can improve all your tomorrows.” —Ralph Marston

“Everything is figureoutable” —Marie Forleo’s mom

Be a dreamer and a doer.

“Strivers achieve what dreamers believe.” ―Usher

“The world needs dreamers and the world needs doers But above all The world needs dreamers who do.” ―Sarah Ban Breathnach

“To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.” ―Anatole France

“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you’ve imagined.” ―Henry David Thoreau

“Walk with the dreamers, the believers, the courageous, the cheerful, the planners, the doers, the successful people with their heads in the clouds and their feet on the ground.” ―Wilferd Peterson