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201 Brilliant Blog Names
Are you struggling to come up with the perfect name for your new blog?
In this post, I’ve come up with a slew of blog name ideas for a variety of blog niches.
If you see a blog name in my list that you like, feel free to snag it if it’s still available.
One of the most frustrating things about creating a blog name is that just when you think you’ve come up with the most original and perfect blog name… it often turns out someone else thought of it first.
It happens A LOT.
In fact, when I ran a domain name check for the blog names I brainstormed for this post, many were not available with the .com domain extension.
Same thing happened when I was working on a blog name for this blog site. And it happened again for another blog I’m launching with a friend (in a completely different niche).
Often, if the domain name you want isn’t available with the .com extension, it will be available with a different (less sought-after) domain extension, such as .net, .co, .biz, or .blog. But I think it’s better to stick with a .com extension, even if it means going with a domain name that’s not your #1 favorite.

201 Blog Names in Popular Blog Niches
If you see a blog name you like in this list, only to find that it’s no longer available, don’t despair. Use the name as inspiration to get your mind working.
Think about why you like it, and let that serve as a launching point for creating a brilliant blog name of your own.
TIPS: Down at the bottom of this post, you’ll find tips on how to come up with a good blog name, how to check if the URL you want is available, and how to register your new domain name.
Lifestyle Blogs Name Ideas
[Blog names below were still available as of 5/27/2022]
- Everything Always everythingalways.com
- Rose Colored Sunnies rosecoloredsunnies.com
- The Life Aplenty thelifeaplenty.com
- Skipping Through skippingthrough.com
- Skipping Lightly skippinglightly.com
- Bumblebees bumblebees.com
- Lavender Life lavenderlife.com
- Mood Truck moodtruck.com
- Following Anna followinganna.com [swap in your first name]
- What’s Next, Amy? whatsnextamy.com [swap in your first name]
- A Swim in the Lake aswiminthelake.com
[The blog names below were no longer available with the “.com” extension as of 5/27/2002; may still be available with a different domain extension]
- World on a String com
- I Spy com
- An Improvised Life com
Travel Blog Name Ideas
[Blog names below were still available as of 5/27/2022]
- GlobeTrippers globetrippers.com
- Passport Society passportsociety.com
- Somewhere Over somewhereover.com
- Welcome to Wanderlust welcometowanderlust.com
- Alice in Wanderlust aliceinwanderlust.com
- What’s Next, Sally whatsnextsally.com [swap in your first name]
- Where To, Sally wheretosally.com [swap in your first name]
- Cheap Travel Insider cheaptravelinsider.com
[The blog names below were no longer available with the “.com” extension as of 5/27/2002; may still be available with a different domain extension]
- My Tattered Passport com
- Untethered com
- Untethered Life com
- A Broad Abroad com
- Stumbled Upon com
- Points of Interest com
- Happy Hoppers com
- Ride and Seek com
- RV Dreamin’ com
- Digital Nomadland com
- TravSolo com
- To and Fro com
- Feet in the Sand com
- Adventure Gal com
Health and Fitness Blog Name Ideas
[Blog names below were still available as of 5/27/2022]
- Lean and Mean It leanandmeanit.com
- Muscles and Matcha musclesandmatcha.com
- No Sweat Fitness nosweatfitness.com
- Health Punks healthpunks.com
- Fit In Your Jeans fitinyourjeans.com
- So Ripped soripped.com
- Health Goal Guru healthgoalguru.com
- Health Yah! healthyah.com
- Better Body Buddy betterbodybuddy.com
- Wow, She’s Fit! wowshesfit.com
- Drink Your Water drinkyourwater.com
- Yoga Sirens yogasirens.com
- Yoga Flower yogaflower.com
[The blog names below were no longer available with the “.com” extension as of 5/27/2002; may still be available with a different domain extension]
- Work It Out com
- Two More Reps com
- Fit Nation com
- Hunky Health com
- Fit Grandma com
- Yes to Health com
- Ship Shape Health com
- Ever Fit com
Parenting / Mom / Dad Blog Name Ideas
[Blog names below were still available as of 5/27/2022]
- Momathon momathon.com
- Mother Ducker motherducker.com
- Cool Mother Duckers coolmotherduckers.com
- Single Dad Academy singledadacademy.com
- Mom It Up momitup.com
- Dad It Up daditup.com
- Corporate Mamas corporatemamas.com
- Cool, Calm and Protected coolcalmandprotected.com
- Land Your Helicopter landyourhelicopter.com
- Skip the Bake Sale skipthebakesale.com
- Herding Rugrats herdingrugrats.com
- Simple Solo Parenting simplesoloparenting.com
- Baseballs and Unicorns baseballsandunicorns.com
- ThrowingBaseballs throwingbaseballs.com
- Parenting While Gray parentingwhilegray.com
- Missing Socks missingsocks.com
- Our Nice Noisy Life ournicenoisylife.com
[The blog names below were no longer available with the “.com” extension as of 5/27/2002; may still be available with a different domain extension]
- Dadtastic com
- Spittle com
- Momstars com
- Let’s Talk Pop com
- Momulous com
- Dapper Dad com
- CEO Mom com
- Rogue Parenting com
- Parentry com
- Imperfect Parenting com
- Raggedy Anna com
- Raising Jane com
- One Messy Mama com
- Blissful Parenting com
Food (and Drink) Blog Name Ideas
[Blog names below were still available as of 5/27/2022]
- Stupidly Simple Baking stupidlysimplebaking.com
- Tasty Living tastyliving.com
- Quick Healthy Food quickhealthyfood.com
- A Side of Fries asideoffries.com
- Snack Hacks snackhacks.com
- Entertaining Meals entertainingmeals.com
- The Budget Gourmand thebudgetgourmand.com
- My Simple Table mysimpletable.com
[The blog names below were no longer available with the “.com” extension as of 5/27/2002; may still be available with a different domain extension]
- The Spice Is Right com
- The Vagabond Vegan com
- Gluten Free Gourmand com
- Easy As Pie com
- Good Cook Bad Cook com
- Girl Gone Mild com
- The Sweet Life com
- Healthalicious com
- Family Cooking com
- How to Cook Anything com
- Home Brew Basics com
- Candles and Cocktails com
- Dinner with Dad com
Personal Finance Blog Name Ideas
[Blog names below were still available as of 5/27/2022]
- A Penny Saved apennysaved.com
- The Dollar Doctor thedollardoctor.com
- Fat Wallet Girl fatwalletgirl.com
- Greener Cabbage greenercabbage.com
- Money Multiplier moneymultiplier.com
- Harnessing Dollars harnessingdollars.com
- Finance Wizard financewizard.com
- Legacy Wealth Hub legacywealthhub.com
- Wealth Cow wealthcow.com
[The blog names below were no longer available with the “.com” extension as of 5/27/2002; may still be available with a different domain extension]
- The Money Magician com
- More Benjamins com
- Debt Samurai com
- Retire Rich com
- Secure Your Future com
- The Budget Boys com
- Poor No More com
- Money Mastery com
- Frugal Investing com
- The Lazy Investor com
- WealthHackers com
- Money Smarts com
- Nest Egg Secrets com
Beauty and Fashion Blog Name Ideas
[Blog names below were still available as of 5/27/2022]
- Posh Rinse Repeat poshrinserepeat.com
- Glowing Steady glowingsteady.com
- Love and Curls loveandcurls.com
- Glamour Girl Hub glamourgirlhub.com
- Makeup Free Life makeupfreelife.com
- Natural Cutie naturalcutie.com
- Curly Hair Harlot curlyhairharlot.com
- Stylie Gal styliegal.com
- Berries and Peaches berriesandpeaches.com
[The blog names below were no longer available with the “.com” extension as of 5/27/2002; may still be available with a different domain extension]
- DIY Gorgeous com
- Hello Lovely com
- Flashback Fashion com
- Thrift Hauls com
- Fashion Underground com
- Found Fashion com
Home and Garden Blog Name Ideas
[Blog names below were still available as of 5/27/2022]
- Lemons and Lavender lemonsandlavendar.com
- A Lovely Nest alovelynest.com
- Scrumptious Home scrumptioushome.com
- DIY Landscape diylandscape.com
- Bella Casa Life bellacasalife.com
- Indoor Outdoor Life indooroutdoorlife.com
- Abundant Decor abundantdecor.com
- Intentional Lounging intentionallounging.com
[The blog names below were no longer available with the “.com” extension as of 5/27/2002; may still be available with a different domain extension]
- Gardener’s Hub com
- Son of a Kitch com
- Fresh Spaces com
- Eye on Design com
- Wiggle Room com
- The Landscape Lady com
- Shrubby com
Blogging Blog Name Ideas
[Blog names below were still available as of 5/27/2022]
- Blog Street Boy blogstreetboy.com
- The Blog Stop theblogstop.com
- BlogVision blogvision.com
- Blog It Up blogitup.com
- Build a Blog buildablog.com
- SEO Blogstars seoblogstars.com
- Affiliate Allstars affiliateallstars.com
[The blog names below were no longer available with the “.com” extension as of 5/27/2002; may still be available with a different domain extension]
- BlogWiz com
- Blog Better com
- BlogLab com
- Badass Blogger com
- Blogging for Dollars com
- BlogRight com
- The Wealthy Blogger com
- Blog Life com
- Blog Camp com
- Everything Blogging com
- Blognasium com
- Best in Blog com
Technology Blog Name Ideas
[Blog names below were still available as of 5/27/2022]
- IT Girl Tech itgirltech.com
- ProTechLab protechlab.com
- Stacknasium stacknasium.com
- Grandma Tech Support grandmatechsupport.com
- Tech Reviewer Now techreviewernow.com
- Luddite Tech ludditetech.com
- Tech Business Advice techbusinessadvice.com
- The New Tech Guru thenewtechguru.com
[The blog names below were no longer available with the “.com” extension as of 5/27/2002; may still be available with a different domain extension]
- NerdBox com
- Code Mode com
- Techarama com
- Technivore com
- Hackalicious com
- All About Tech com
- Tech Underground com
- Bleeding Edge com
- Simple Tech Tutorials com
- Tech Made Easy com
- Tech Product Reviewer com
- Tech for Newbies com
- Nothing But Tech com
How do I come up with a name for my blog?
To land upon a great name for your blog, you don’t only need to think up a name you love; it also needs to be original enough that it hasn’t already been taken. That’s harder than you may think.
Sometimes, you come up with a brilliant blog name. A blog name you think is amazingly original! You’re so happy with it, and proud of yourself for thinking of it.
Then, you do a domain name check and see that someone else is already using it.
Or in some cases, a domain name investor might have purchased the domain name for the sole purpose of selling it for profit.
So, how do you come up with a good blog name? And how do you check if it’s available?
First, let’s tackle some best tips for coming up with a good blog domain name. Here are the basic steps I recommend:
Consider your target audience: If you haven’t done so already, take some time to think about who you will be serving with your blog. Why will this group read your blog? What is the benefit they’ll get from reading your blog?
Once you’ve done that, think about the tone of voice you’ll use to communicate with them. If it’s a beauty blog, for example, you might use a very casual and almost gossipy tone.
If you’re launching a finance blog aimed at helping people invest smartly, you may want to go for a trustworthy and more conservative tone.
Of course, you could also have a finance blog that uses a more casual, lighthearted tone. The point is, you should think about it, and then match the tone of your blog name to the tone you want to set in your blog as a whole.
Get inspired: See what brilliant blog names people in your niche are using. Run a Google search like, “Most popular food blogs” (swap out “food” for your niche or micro-niche). Write down names that you like — and use them as a launching point for inspiration.
Brainstorm: One you’ve thought about your target audience, it’s time to brainstorm!
– Write down as many words as you can think of that relate to your blog.
– Write down words that relate directly to your niche.
– Write down words related to the benefit you’ll provide to your readers.
– Write down words that align with the tone you want to set for your blog (i.e. words that relate what you want your audience to think, learn, or feel).
As you’re brainstorming, be sure to include all kinds of words, including nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs.
If complete blog name ideas come to mind while you’re brainstorming words, write those down too!
The key to effective brainstorming is to open your mind to lots of ideas. If you start editing yourself, you stifle your creativity.
You want to come up with a big list of ideas that you can use as a starting point.
So, save the editing until after you’re done brainstorming.
Tips and tools for naming your blog
Consider a portmanteau. That’s the term for when you blend words (or parts of words) together to create a new word.
“Brunch” is a common example of a portmanteau (breakfast+lunch).
As are “frenemy” (friend+enemy) and “brainiac” (brain+maniac).
Shall we get a little meta for a minute? “Blog” itself is a shortened version of the original portmanteau, “weblog” (web+blog).
Take another look through the blog names in my list. Can you spot the portmanteaus?
Consider a play on words. Is there a common idiom or short phrase you can switch up slightly to create a blog name? For example, the blog name, Posh Rinse Repeat poshrinserepeat.com (included in my list of beauty blog name ideas above) is a play on the phrase “Wash, rinse, repeat.”
One word of caution. Make sure you know the meaning of the original phrase or idiom before you use it as the basis for a play on words. Some idioms may have a negative meaning that you’re not aware of.
Use my favorite word generator.
OneLook.com is a dream when you’re trying to come up with an original blog name.
It’s like a thesaurus on steroids.
The “related words” feature is simple yet amazing.
You type in a word, click the “related words” button, and you see a big list of ‘related’ words that go way beyond the synonyms you’d get from a plain ol’ thesaurus.
It has more advanced search functions, too.
For example, you can use it to find words and phrases that “start with” (or “end with”) the word you enter. So if you enter the word, “blue”, you’d get results like bluebird, bluebell, bluebonnet, etc.
Did I mention it’s a free tool? 😉
Use a blog name generator. Google the term “blog name generator” or “domain name generator” and you’ll see there are plenty to choose from.
NameBoy and DomainWheel are both good choices for generating blog names (vs. business names).
Avoid an embarrassing mistake. Before you go all in on a blog name you love, write it out in URL form (if your blog name contains more than one word). Then inspect the URL closely to make sure that when the words all run together, it doesn’t transform into an inappropriate domain name you’ll regret.
Should I use an SEO keyword in my blog name?
Depending on your blog niche, you may want to consider using a keyword in your blog name (like “tech” as part of your blog in the tech niche, or “fitness” for your fitness-niche blog).
But using a keyword, or even a word clearly associated with your niche, isn’t always necessary. Many popular and successful blogs in the lifestyle niche, for example, use words that evoke a feeling they want to convey.
Ultimately, the choice of whether you want a blog name that includes a keyword or simply evokes a feeling is up to you.
Having a keyword in your URL (like using the word “finance” or “money” in your finance-niche blog) can be helpful for search engine optimization (SEO) purposes. But it’s just one tiny part of the success equation. Indeed, many very successful blogs don’t have a niche keyword in their domain name.
Should I use a unique spelling in my blog name?
When you use an uncommon or completely made-up spelling for a word in your blog name, it’s more likely the domain name (the URL) will be available.
But on the flipside, a made-up or unique spelling can also be harder for people to remember when they want to type your URL into their browser bar.
That doesn’t mean a unique spelling will ruin your chances of success.
For example, there’s a health and fitness blog called Avocadu.com. The blog name is based on a made up spelling for “avocado”–a word that many people already find hard to spell.
But that didn’t stop bloggers Alex and Lauren from earning six-figures from the blog its first year, with profits increasing annually after that. Alex and Lauren also started and now run the very successful blog, Create and Go, and have since sold their Avocadu blog, I assume for a very large sum).
How do I check if a blog name is already taken?
It’s quick and easy to check if a domain name is available.
Web host providers like BlueHost, GoDaddy, and Wix all have free domain name checkers.
Or you can use a free domain name checker like Domain.com.
Either way, you just type in your chosen blog name, and you’ll instantly see whether your domain name is available.
How do I register my domain name?
Most of the top web hosting services include free domain name registration with your web hosting fee.
When you sign up for your hosting plan, you’ll have the option to register your domain name. It’s a simple process, and your hosting provider will guide you through the steps.
Can I register my domain name if I don’t have a website yet?
If you don’t have a website or web host yet, you can still register your domain name right away with any authorized domain registrar, like Domain.com.
And it’s the smart thing to do!
Because if you don’t register your domain name right away, someone else might get to it first. In which case you’ll have to go back to square one and come up with a new blog name you love.
There’s also the chance that a domain name investor might snatch up your blog name before you get around it. If that were to happen, the domain name might still be available later on, but at a hiked-up price.
How do I launch and monetize my blog?
Once you’ve registered your domain name, it’s time to launch your blog!
If you need help and want to get launch quickly (I’m talking within a week, if you put your mind to it!), I highly recommend Create and Go’s Launch Your Blog Biz course.
And if you’re looking to go ALL IN with your blog right from the start, then take a look at their Pro Blogger Bundle. It includes four Create and Go courses that guide you through the steps of launching your blog, getting people to actually visit your blog, and then making money from it.
I’ve taken all of the courses in Create and Go’s Pro Blogger Bundle, and doing so saved me SO much time and frustration. Read my full review here: Are Create and Go’s Courses Worth the Price?
Do you have more questions about creating a blog name or starting a blog? Post in the comments below.