How to Embrace Change & Forge Your Own Life Path

How to Embrace Change & Forge Your Own Life Path

In a world where societal pressures and expectations often dictate our choices, it’s easy to lose sight of those things that truly bring us joy and make us feel fulfilled. Without the ability and willingness to embrace change, we often get caught in a relentless cycle of hustle, constantly comparing ourselves to others and battling self-doubt.

But it doesn’t have to be this way.

My journey as a solopreneur has been very unconventional, with lots of ups and downs and missteps along the way. But one thing is clear: when obstacles have popped up in my path, my willingness to embrace change is the thing that has propelled me forward, allowing me to discover a world of possibilities I never imagined.

In this post, I’m sharing my strategies to help you embrace change, define your own version of success, and carve your own unique path to happiness.

3 traps to avoid when forging your own path

  1. Societal Pressures: The pervasive belief that busyness equates to success is a trap many of us fall into. We’re bombarded with messages that suggest the busier we are, the more productive and accomplished we become. But is the hustle-culture mentality really the path to fulfillment?
  2. Comparisons with Others: In the age of social media, we’re constantly exposed to carefully curated images of others’ lives, their achievements, and their seemingly perfect journeys. It’s easy to fall into the trap of comparing ourselves to these highlight reels, leading to feelings of inadequacy.
  3. Self-Doubt: Negative self-talk, hesitation, and the fear of failure are all too common. These self-limiting beliefs can hold us back from pursuing our true passions and goals, keeping us stuck in a life that doesn’t align with our values.

The first step in creating a life you love? Shift your mindset and kick your self-limiting beliefs to the curb. Here are three ways to get started:

woman in flowing dress, leaning off a cliff, smiling and holding pink umbrella ready to embrace change

  • Cultivate Self-Awareness: Take time for self-reflection, whether through journaling, meditation, or whatever else works for you. Self-awareness is the foundation of personal growth. It allows you to understand your desires, values, and fears better. It’s a powerful tool for embracing change because it helps you make conscious decisions aligned with your authentic self.
  • Accept Uncertainty: Change is often accompanied by uncertainty, and that’s okay. Breaking out of your comfort zone without knowing what the outcome will be is exciting! Embrace that feeling. It’s a chance to discover your capabilities, build resilience, and open yourself up to a whole new world of possibilities.
  • Change Your View of Failure: Failure is a natural part of any journey, especially one involving change. Instead of beating yourself up over missteps, embrace the lessons and carry them with you as you move forward. We all stumble sometimes, and that’s perfectly normal. Learn from your missteps, adjust your course as needed, and keep moving forward with resilience and determination.

Define your personal version of success

With your mindset on the right track, it’s time to start dreaming, and not just any dreams – BIG DREAMS.

Defining your version of success requires introspection and courage. It means questioning societal norms and expectations and daring to dream beyond them. Your vision of success should be deeply personal and reflect your true aspirations, not what others expect of you.

What sets your heart on fire? What values do you hold dear? Use these insights to map out your unique path to success.

Take control of your dreams

paper on desk with handwritten all caps: DREAM BIG, SET GOALS, TAKE ACTION. These are tips for how to embrace change.

Dreaming is just the beginning. Now, it’s time to take action.

Break down your big dreams into smaller, actionable steps. Big dreams can be overwhelming, but breaking them down into manageable tasks makes them more achievable. Each small step you take brings you closer to your ultimate goal, building momentum and confidence along the way.

Avoid over-planning. Don’t overthink it. Too much planning is often procrastination in disguise. Instead of pre-planning to plan and the making a plan and perfecting your plan, just get started already! Embrace change by taking imperfect action. You’ll learn and adapt as you progress, and that’s where the real growth happens.

Push through your discomfort. Feeling a bit uneasy about taking that first step? That’s okay! Embrace those uncomfortable, scary feelings and push forward. Often, the most incredible experiences come from those nerve-wracking moments. True growth happens outside your comfort zone. Change is inherently uncomfortable because it pushes you into the unknown. However, it’s in these moments of discomfort that you discover your true potential. Embrace change by viewing discomfort as a sign of growth, not a hindrance.

Embrace change as a lifestyle

Forging your own path and creating a life you love is an ongoing journey. Check in with yourself regularly to assess your progress, reevaluate your priorities, and make necessary adjustments as you grow and evolve. Embracing change is the key to unlocking your true potential and building a life you love.

So, go out there, embrace change head-on, and start living a beautiful life that aligns with your own version of success.

Blogging for Beginners: 12 Pro Copywriting Tips to Boost Your Success

Blogging for Beginners: 12 Pro Copywriting Tips to Boost Your Success

I partner with select companies whose products and/or services I love! Some of the links on this page may be affiliate links, so if you purchase an item using my link, I may receive a small commission (at no added cost to you). I appreciate your support. 


As a blogger, every word you write has the potential to make a meaningful impact on your readers and your business.

Are you ready to take your new blog from good to extraordinary?

In this blogging for beginners post, I’m tapping into my two decades of professional copywriting experience to help you do just that.

I understand that doing everything needed to get a blog up and running can feel overwhelming. Although I’ve been a copywriter for long, long, time, I’m still new when it comes to building my own blog. Like you, I’m deep in the trenches of “blogging overwhelm” as I continue to build out Grab Your Happy.

If you’re not a writer by trade, I can only imagine how daunting it must feel to write compelling and valuable content—on top of all the other tasks you need to do.

Don’t let content creation be the thing that gets in the way of your blogging success! I’m here to help you become a more confident and successful blogger.

Blogging for Beginners: Pro Copywriting Tips

1. Know your audience.

Take the time to deeply understand who your ideal readers are, including their interests, needs, fears, motivations, and challenges). You can gather this information in a number of ways (e.g. use Google Analytics to see your visitor demographics and interests; read the comments on your own blog posts and/or on blogs in your same niche; gauge the popularity of your existing content; conduct surveys; study threads in relevant online forums). Then, tailor your blog posts to write content that’s relevant to your ideal site visitor.

  • Pro tip: Write as though you’re writing to one specific person—your IDEAL reader. This will help you avoid platitudes, stay focused, and make each reader feel like you’re speaking directly to them.

2. Craft ‘WIIFM’ headlines.

Grab your readers’ attention from the get-go with captivating headlines that evoke curiosity and promise valuable insights they won’t want to miss. Your headline should answer the reader’s question “What’s in it for me?” (WIIFM).

  • Pro tip: Choose clarity over cleverness! Unless you come up with a clever sounding headline that is also very clear, don’t use it (tempting as it may be). You only have an instant grab your reader’s attention and get them to click through to read the post. Make sure the benefit is IMMEDIATELY clear.

3. Start with a hook.

Similar to your headline, the opening line of your article must grab the readers’ attention right away. The goal of the first sentence is to get them to read the second sentence.

  • Pro tip: Open with an intriguing and relevant statement or question that leaves the reader wanting (needing!) to know more.

4. Dive in quickly.

The intro section of your blog post should give just enough information to let readers know the value they’ll get from it. Avoid long preambles. Don’t give lots of unnecessary background info they already know.

  • Pro tip: Give your site visitors a quick taste of the benefit they’ll get from reading your blog post—then jump into the meaty content they came for.

5. Embrace the power of storytelling.

Connect emotionally with your audience by using a storytelling framework with a beginning, middle, and end. Think of your ideal reader as the hero of the story–make them the hero we’re all rooting for. This doesn’t need to be literal, of course, but it helps to think this way in order to keep the content focused on your readers’ needs, desires, and challenges.

  • Pro Tip: If possible, share your personal experiences, challenges, and victories to forge a deeper connection with your readers.

6. Use conversational language.

Use simple language that’s easy to understand. Don’t use lots of jargon and big fancy words in an attempt to sound smart. It will backfire every time.

  • Pro tip: Read your content out loud and see if it feels natural. Would you actually talk like that and say those words?

7. Optimize for easy scanning.

Format your blog post copy in a way that guides the reader’s eye smoothly down the page.

  • Pro tip: Avoid daunting walls of text. Use subheadings, bullet points, numbered lists, and short paragraphs.

8. Feel the rhythm.

Vary the length of your sentences and paragraphs to avoid monotony and create a nice rhythm. For example, write a single statement or question on one line, then follow with a couple 2-3-sentence paragraphs.

  • Pro tip: Read your content out loud and see where it makes sense to pull out a single, short sentence for impact (e.g. “That’s where the magic comes in.”)

9. Use power words.

Sprinkle persuasive words and phrases into your copy. Words like “discover,” “exclusive,” and “proven” can create a sense of excitement and value.

  • Pro tip: Choose power words that are accurate (vs. hyperbolic), and use them sparingly—otherwise you’ll end up sounding like a used car salesman.

10. Use SEO keywords (the right way).

Attract more readers by incorporating relevant keywords that improve your search engine visibility. I strongly recommend learning the basics of SEO if you want to bring more traffic to your website.

  • Pro tip: Use keywords naturally and avoid ‘keyword stuffing’ your content (forcing keywords willy-nilly into your blog posts makes for a miserable reading experience—and it’s a spammy tactic).

blogging for beginners SEO course promo, including illustration of a computer with words "SEO Blueprint for Bloggers" on the screen and other mobile devices with screenshots of the course content

11. Demonstrate empathy.

Use supportive language that lets your readers know you understand their problems/challenges/needs (e.g. “You’re not alone in your struggles – we’ve all been there. Let’s tackle this together.”)

  • Pro tip: Avoid language that might make your readers feel like they’ve done something wrong. No one is coming to your blog to be shamed or judged. When addressing negative circumstances, soften the tone by using more general terms (e.g. “Many new parents make mistakes…” vs. “You’ve made a lot of parenting mistakes…).

12. Infuse your personality.

Let your authentic voice shine through your writing. It’s easier to write in your own voice because, well… it’s your own voice! Plus, when you’re authentic, you’ll earn your readers’ trust.

  • Pro tip: Write your first draft fast. Don’t worry about using the “right words” or using perfect grammar. Just get your ideas out without stifling yourself. Then, go back and take your time editing your draft. (I like to call my first draft a “spit draft” – takes the pressure and lets me feel free to write more freely).

Get Started

Use the copywriting techniques to elevate your blog content. And remember, the easiest way to become a better, more confident writer is to keep writing consistently. So keep going, and keep growing!

Help me help you. If you’ve got more questions about copywriting, or solopreneurship in general, let me know in the comments below.

What Is a Solopreneur?

What Is a Solopreneur?

What is a solopreneur, you ask? I throw around the term a lot here on Grab Your Happy and don’t think twice about it. But the other day, someone asked me that question. I’ve been thinking about it ever since to come up with a comprehensive answer.

In this post, I explain the concept of solopreneurship, what it means to be a solopreneur, what it takes to be a successful solopreneur, and how a solopreneur is different from a traditional entrepreneur. By the time you’re done here, you’ll have a crystal-clear answer to the burning question: “What IS a solopreneur?”

Understanding Solopreneurship

TL;DR – What is a solopreneur? Someone who runs their own business end-to-end.

Now that we’ve got that out of the way, let’s dive in a bit deeper.

colorful illustration representing the twisty journey of being a solopreneur, e.g. brain, charts, gears, coins, pencil, rocketship

Unlike traditional entrepreneurship, where multiple people work for the entrepreneur’s company, a solopreneur is (mostly) a one-person army. I say mostly because solopreneurs often hire outside help. But it’s different than having a team of employees.

In my copywriting business, for example, I sometimes hire researchers or junior writers when I get overloaded with work. A lot of solopreneurs I know hire virtual assistants (VAs) to help with scheduling, correspondence, project management and the like. Or accountants to handle their . . . accounting. But these hires are typically on a contract basis.

But overall, a solopreneur a one-person show. They own the business; they run the business independently; and they make all the decisions.

A solopreneur has no boss. Or more precisely, they’re their own boss. There’s no one telling them what to do, when to work, what products or services to sell, how much to charge, how many vacation days they can take, and so on.

The rise of solopreneurship can be attributed to several factors. Advances in technology have made it possible to run an efficient and professional one-person business. The desire for greater control over one’s career, and ultimately, one’s life, is another big factor. The COVID-19 pandemic, in particular, pushed a lot of people to reconsider their 9-5 jobs and branch out on their own (remember “The Great Resignation”?).

Characteristics of a Successful Solopreneur

People who take the leap into solopreneurship should be prepared for the opportunities and challenges that come with the territory. Here are six characteristics of successful solopreneurs:

1. Motivation and Discipline

When you’re your own boss, you have a lot of freedom and flexibility. That’s one of the biggest draws for solopreneurs. But when no one is telling you what to do or when to do it, you need a high-level of self-motivation and discipline to set goals, create schedules, and do the things that will keep your business moving forward.

2. Confidence and Self-Awareness

You’ll have a very hard time succeeding in your one-person business if you can’t solve problems, make decisions, and take action without relying on other people’s opinions, guidance, and/or validation. To do those things, you need to be very self aware. You need to know what matters to you, what your strengths and weaknesses are, and what drives you to keep going. No matter how self-aware you are, you also need the self-confidence to actually pull the trigger and take action on your decisions.

3. Bravery and Adaptability

For solopreneurs, being brave and adaptable is critical to long-term success. The business world isn’t stagnant, so you need to be able to pivot when necessary. That can be scary. But to progress, you’re going to have to do things that are outside your comfort zone, or that you don’t feel ready to do. Pushing yourself outside your comfort zone gets easier with time. Building up your bravery muscles isn’t as hard as it may seem.

4. Time Management Skills

Time is your most valuable resource as a solopreneur. Creating time freedom is the holy grail of solopreneurship. It’s the thing that will liberate you to live life on your own terms. Strong time management skills are essential for prioritizing tasks and maximizing your efficiency. The ability to manage time effectively can have a huge impact on the overall success of a solopreneur’s venture.

5. Networking Skills

While solopreneurs work alone, they thrive in a community of like-minded individuals. Building strong networks helps gain support, collaboration opportunities, and valuable insights from others in the industry.

6. A Growth Mindset

Being willing to learn new things is a huge part of achieving success. Insatiable curiosity is a common trait among successful solopreneurs. To keep your business growing, you need to continue growing your skills and expanding your knowledge. A growth mindset is essential.

Each of these characteristics is important. But that doesn’t mean every solopreneur needs to embody each one right from the start. It’s a work in progress. It took me a really long time, for example, to build up my networking skills. Networking doesn’t come naturally to me, and I’m pretty lousy at it. For now, I’ve figured out how to network in a way that works for me and my business (which doesn’t involve in-person networking events).

Advantages of Being a Solopreneur

There are so many advantages to being a solopreneur. As someone who’s been doing my own thing for decades, I’m sold on it! I love being my own boss (in fact, it’s why I started this blog). Here are some of benefits:

1. Work-Life Balance

As a solopreneur, you have the freedom to set your own schedule. Take a break in the middle of the day. Go on vacation without asking permission. Take a day off when your kid is sick. Of course, you need to plan your schedule in a way that allows you to meet your commitments to your customers (or clients), but it’s a whole different animal than when you’re working for someone else.

2. Flexibility and Autonomy

Solopreneurs have complete control over every aspect of their business, from branding to business strategy. This level of autonomy allows you to align your work with your personal values and long-term goals.

4. Minimal Overhead Costs

I’m a big advocate of investing in yourself and your business for things that will help you work more efficiently or grow your skills. Those are the things that offer a good return on the money you spend. But as a solopreneur, you don’t need to spend a lot of money on office space or hiring employees. For most one-person business ventures, the overhead costs are relatively low.

5. Personal Fulfillment

Building a business, watching it grow, and creating your own source of income is very fulfilling. But perhaps the most fulfilling aspect of solopreneurship is having the freedom to spend your time on the things—and with the people—that matter most to you. You’re in control of your own life path.

Challenges Faced by Solopreneurs

While the solopreneurial journey is exciting, it’s not the right path for everyone. But for those considering taking the leap, it’s important to understand and prepare for potential challenges.

1. Work-Life Balance

Yep! I know I said work-life balance is an advantage of solopreneurship. But it’s also a challenge. Creating work-life balance is very difficult for some people to achieve. When you’re a one-person show, and you’re committed to building a successful business, it’s easy to fall into the trap of working round the clock. Because there’s ALWAYS more to do. But working nonstop is a sure path to burnout, and it’s no way to run a business. The good news is that creating work-life balance is easy once you set meaningful goals and create structure and strategy for achieving them.

2. Loneliness and Isolation

Being a solopreneur can feel isolating at times. The built-in camaraderie that comes with traditional office settings isn’t there when you’re a one-person business. Building a business support network (e.g. mentors, other solopreneurs on a similar path) is important for both emotional wellbeing and for staying motivated and inspired.

3. Capacity Constraints and Scaling Challenges

Solopreneurs wear a lot of hats and might find themselves spread thin, making it hard to focus on all the critical aspects of the business. This is where time-management and prioritization come into play (plus, knowing when to hire help for certain tasks). Without a team of employees, solopreneurs need to find innovative ways to scale their business and grow their income.

What Is a Solopreneur vs. an Entrepreneur?

I can think of three key distinctions between solopreneurs and traditional entrepreneurs.

1. Team Size and Structure

The most apparent difference comes down to headcount. While entrepreneurs often lead teams of employees, solopreneurs run a business of one.

2. Decision-Making Process

With multiple stakeholders in traditional entrepreneurship, decision-making can be more complex and time-consuming. Solopreneurs enjoy a more streamlined decision-making process.

3. Scope of Operations

Entrepreneurs generally have more extensive business operations, requiring larger infrastructures and resources. Solopreneurs focus more on niche markets and smaller-scale ventures.

Becoming a Successful Solopreneur

handwritten note on desk with text, "time for action". laptop keyboard in background.

Thinking of starting a solo business venture? Read this blog next for tips on getting started: How to Become Your Own Boss.

Keep in mind that becoming successful as a solopreneur doesn’t happen overnight. Perseverance is essential. Stay adaptable, stay motivated, and above all, stay true to your passion. I believe in you!

What Is a Solopreneur: Any More Questions?

Did I cover everything? If not, let me know in the comments what left out! I’ll update this post accordingly.

Achieving Time Freedom: How to Create a Life You Love

Achieving Time Freedom: How to Create a Life You Love

In today’s hustle and bustle world, time is a precious commodity. How many times do we hear people wishing for “more hours in the day”? If you ever have that feeling, or find yourself struggling to juggle all the responsibilities of your personal life and work life, I hear ya. I still feel that way. Sometimes.

Most days, however, I feel thankful for the time freedom I’ve created for myself as a solopreneur. With the right mindset and strategies, I’m confident you can achieve time freedom, too.

In this post, I’m diving into the whole concept of time freedom—and sharing some practical steps you can take to create more time to do the things that make you feel happy and fulfilled.

My Personal Concept of Time Freedom

What do I mean by time freedom? In short, I just mean having the flexibility to do what you want, when you want.

Going a bit deeper, time freedom is about being able to control how you spend your time. It is about finding a balance between work, leisure, and personal shenanigans. It’s about creating a life that allows you the freedom to pursue your passions and do things that make you  feel happy and fulfilled-—while still fulfilling your responsibilities and earning a good income.

Time freedom is the freedom to allocate your time according to your priorities. It means being in control of your schedule and being able to choose how you spend each moment of your day.

Imagine having the ability to take spontaneous trips with your friends and family—or slipping off for some much needed alone time—without worrying about work commitments or time constraints. When you’ve created time freedom in your life, you can do just that. You can plan vacations, weekend getaways, or even unplanned day trips, without feeling restricted by a rigid schedule.

But time freedom isn’t all about sitting on a faraway beach drinking a cocktail out of a coconut!  (In fact, one of the perks of creating time freedom is that you’re also creating a life you don’t feel the need to escape from.)

Whether it’s painting, practicing yoga, starting a new business, reading more books, or deciding to sleep in on Tuesday, time freedom means having the ability to do those things. Without feeling an ounce of guilt.

Creating Time Freedom Is More Important than Ever

street sign that says, "the rat race" with image of three running rats

Trying to live up to society’s definition of “success” is a miserable way to live (in my humble opinion). The constant pressure to do more in less time can lead to burnout and a lack of fulfillment.

By achieving time freedom, we can avoid the trap of busyness and hustle culture—and ensure we make time for the things that truly bring us joy and fulfillment.

Here’s the thing: Time freedom isn’t actually about having more free time.

It’s about having the flexibility to spend your time according to your own goals, dreams, and desires. It’s about prioritizing what truly matters to you—whatever those things may be. And living life on your own terms.

Time Management Is Central to Achieving Time Freedom

Time management plays a crucial role in achieving time freedom. It involves prioritizing tasks, setting goals, and making efficient use of your time. By implementing effective time management strategies, you can maximize productivity, focus more time on the things that make the most difference, and do more of what you love.

chalk board with pareto principle sketch showing 80-20 rule for time management

The Basics of Time Management

Effective time management starts with understanding and prioritizing your tasks. I do this by making a list and categorizing tasks based on their urgency and importance. This helps me allocate my time more efficiently and ensure I don’t overlook important tasks or milestone goals.

When prioritizing tasks, consider both short-term and big, fat long-term goals. Short-term goals are tasks that need immediate attention, while long-term goals require planning and persistence. By balancing both types of goals, you can maintain focus on the present while working towards a future with more time freedom.

  • TIP: Break down tasks into very small, manageable steps, and set deadlines for each step. This will help you stay focused and motivated (ultimately leading to greater time freedom).

Create a schedule and stick to it. By blocking out specific time slots for specific tasks, you can see exactly what you need to get done, make the most of your time, and avoid wasting it on unproductive activities.

Technology can be a useful tool in managing your time more effectively. Task management apps, calendars, and reminders can all help you stay organized and on track. There are some great time management tools available today. Find the ones that work for you! (I’m a big fan of combining old school calendars and planners with productivity apps).

Common Time Management Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

Despite our best intentions, we can all fall into time management traps. Three common ones are:

Failing to prioritize tasks. It’s easy to get caught up in the urgency of the moment and neglect important but less urgent tasks. To avoid this, regularly evaluate your priorities and allocate your time accordingly.

Overcommitting. Sometimes we say yes to too many things. In your personal life, it may because we have a hard time saying no to friends and family. In work, it may be because we don’t want to upset a client or worse yet, lose out on potential income. But overcommitting is sure to backfire. Taking on more tasks than you can handle will only lead to stress and inefficiency. Learn to say no when necessary. Recognize your limitations and focus on tasks that align with your priorities and will move you closer to your goals.

Procrastinating. This is a big, fat time management pitfall. It can be hard to dive into tasks that feel challenging or unpleasant. It’s so easy to just do “this one little thing” first. Or “quickly” check in on social media. Or suddenly need a snack. I get it!! Overcoming procrastination requires self-discipline and organization.

  • TIP: My go-to strategy to prevent procrastination is to give myself one teeny tiny task to complete. Something I can do in say 15 minutes. I set a timer (I use the Focus at Will app) and get to work, knowing I only have to commit for 15 minutes. Breaking tasks into smaller, manageable chunks and tackling them one at a time is great way to tackle those tasks you really want to put off. By taking small steps consistently, you’ll make steady progress. Plus, for me, getting started is often the hardest part. Once I commit to 15 minutes (or 30 or whatever I’ve decided), it’s usually enough to get me in the groove. And then I’ll keep going.

The Impact of Lifestyle Choices on Time Freedom

Our lifestyle has a significant impact on our ability to achieve time freedom. Two aspects to consider are health and fitness, and leisure and relaxation.

What impact does health and fitness have on time freedom?

Your health and fitness can have a profound effect on your overall productivity and time management. Regular exercise, eating healthy foods (most of the time), and getting enough sleep can boost your energy levels and improve your focus. I find just taking a 30 minute walk with my dog can often free my mind and get my creative juices flowing. I often come up with my best ideas when I’m outside moving, rather than sitting at my computer.

What impact does leisure and relaxation have on time freedom?

While it may seem counterintuitive, making time for leisure and relaxation is essential for improving productivity and achieving time freedom. Taking breaks, pursuing hobbies, and spending quality time with loved ones rejuvenates and recharges us. It helps us maintain a healthy work-life balance and prevents burnout.

Time Freedom Is Yours for the Taking

fork in the road with sunset in the background

In a world where time seems to slip away from us, achieving time freedom might seem like an elusive dream. But with the right mindset and strategies, you can create more time for yourself and reclaim control over your days.

If you’re thinking of breaking free from your current job and starting a business of your own, read this post for step-by-step guidance: How to Become Your Own Boss: The Complete 16-Point Checklist for Starting a Successful Online Business.

6 Ways to Keep Your One-Person Business Moving Forward

6 Ways to Keep Your One-Person Business Moving Forward

How do you maintain the drive and passion to keep your one-person business moving forward?

Solopreneurship requires a a strong dose of self-reliance. Because you don’t have a boss or co-workers holding you accountable, offering support, or motivating you to keep moving forward.

When you’re building and growing a one-person business or blog, you’re going to have ups and downs. Some days (or weeks or months!) you’ll be sizzling with energy and excitement about where you’re headed.

Other times, you’ll lose motivation and feel like maybe, just maybe, you should shut the whole thing down.

In this post, I’m sharing six tips to help you keep moving forward to achieve your business goals.


6 ways to keep your one-person business moving forward


1. Double down on your WHY

business woman standing on a crate in desert focusing her sights through a telescope

If you ever feel like you’re losing the motivation and drive to keep your one-person business moving forward, it may be time to delve back into your WHY.

What drove you to start your business in the first place?

To start and run a successful one-person business, you must have a clear vision of WHY you’re doing it.

Reignite your engine!

What was your reason for wanting to start your business? Your core reason. The thing that hits you on an emotional level.

Whatever your reason, keep that in mind as you move forward.

Does your WHY need any adjusting? Does it still align with your core desires and long-term goals?

Take some time to rethink your WHY. Double down on your vision.

Staying laser-focused on what matters most to you will give you the motivation to push through challenges and setbacks that arise in your one-person business.

Ultimately, your WHY is what will keep you moving forward with purpose and passion as you start and grow your one-person business.


2. Set meaningful goals

woman writing in a yellow leather journal thinking about how to keep your one-person business moving forward

Back up your WHY!  In other words, create meaningful and specific goals that align with your vision and values.

Rather than simply setting generic goals like “increase my income,” dig deeper to identify how you will do that. For example, you might set a goal to raise your rates by X amount within the next six months. Or set a goal to create and sell a digital course that will bring in another revenue stream.

When you set specific and meaningful goals, you’ll be more motivated to work towards them. And you’ll feel a greater sense of accomplishment when you achieve them.


3. Find your productivity rhythm

woman working productively at standup desk

Having time freedom is one of the main reasons I started my own business.

I love having me as my boss!

If you’re a solopreneur (or planning to become one), I’m guessing you feel the same way.

Having the flexibility to create your own schedule and work at your own pace is so freeing! It’s one of the best things about solopreneurship.

But there’s a catch.

When you set your schedule, you need to avoid two common problems:

1) You’re so hell-bent on achieving your dream that you fall prey to the hustle culture mentality. You work around the clock and burn yourself out.


2) You give yourself soooo much flexibility that you aren’t very productive.  And your motivation slowly drifts away. And your business suffers.

You need to avoid both those scenarios! One way to do that is to find what I like to call your “productivity rhythm.”

Take some time to experiment with different work schedules and routines to find what works best for you. Some people are most productive in the morning, while others work better in the evening.

Identify the times of day when you’re most productive, and schedule your most important tasks during those periods.


4. Break down big projects

woman writing on a sticky note stuck to a window with many other sticky notes on the glass

When you’re working on a large project or task, it can be overwhelming and demotivating. To avoid feeling stuck, try breaking down big projects into smaller, more manageable tasks.

This can help you stay focused on one step at a time and give you a sense of accomplishment as you complete each task.

As you move through each stage of the project, you’ll feel more motivated and energized to continue working towards your ultimate goal.


5. Don’t be a loner

smiling woman with coffee cup chatting on computer video

Working alone can be isolating. But it doesn’t have to be.

Building a support network is something I did far too late in my business. I used to be a non-joiner.  It’s one lesson I really wish I would’ve learned earlier in life.

Find a mentor (or two or five). Seek out a like-minded solopreneurs. Lean on others who know what you’re going through. They can provide valuable insights, advice, and support when you’re feeling stuck or facing challenges.


6. Give yourself credit

woman relaxing in a big wicker chair looking content

If you’re making progress, you’re doing great. When you achieve a goal or complete a project, take a moment to acknowledge your hard work and give yourself credit for what you’ve accomplished.

It can be as simple as taking a break in the sunshine for an hour. Treating yourself to a favorite meal. Throw a little party if you’re feeling it!

Celebrating your successes can help you stay motivated and remind you of the progress you’ve made on your solopreneurial journey.

Remember, it’s okay to have moments of feeling unmotivated or overwhelmed. The key is to have strategies in place to help you push through those moments. Keep moving your one-person business forward. And stay focused on the bigger picture: creating a life you love.


I partner with select companies whose products and/or services I love! Some of the links on this page may be affiliate links, which means if you purchase an item using my link, I may receive a small commission (at no added cost to you). I appreciate your support. 



Hustle Culture Criticism: Why I reject the hustle-and-grind mentality (and you should too)

Hustle Culture Criticism: Why I reject the hustle-and-grind mentality (and you should too)

I’m not a believer in hustle culture. 

In this blog post, I’m going in deep to explain my unfiltered hustle culture criticism—and how to break free if you’ve got yourself all caught up in its soul-killing cycle.

What Is Hustle Culture?

Hustle culture is a societal mindset that promotes the idea that if you’re not working long hours on your career or business every single day, you’re not trying hard enough and you don’t deserve success.

Implicit in this mentality is the idea that if you don’t hustle and grind, “the other guy” who IS hustling 24/7, will beat you out and come out on top. And you’ll never be a success.

Hustle culture glorifies the idea of working around the clock. And people who buy into this mindset wear “busy” as a badge of honor.

Kevin O’Leary, aka Mr. Wonderful of Shark Tank fame, promotes a toxic hustle culture when he makes ludicrous statements like this: 

“You may lose your wife, you may lose your dog, your mother may hate you. None of those things matter. What matters is that you achieve success and become free. Then you can do what you like.”

And when people pushed back to criticize his comments, he doubled down—using scare tactics and patronizing insults: 

“If you are not willing to work 25 hours a day 8 days a week, don’t bother asking me for an investment. Your competitors in mumbai and shanghai are willing to work while you sleep, and [they] spend all day long trying to figure out how to kick your ass. Get over it. If you can’t deal with this reality, you are not an entrepreneur, you are an employee. Get a job with a competitor!”

Thumbs down emoji next to Kevin O'Leary aka "Mr. Wonderful" social media posts promoting hustle culture

Working “25 hours a day, 8 days a week” is obvious hyperbole. But even so, what a dark, toxic mindset he’s is promoting! 

Hustle Culture Is Wrong-Minded

Don’t get me wrong: I’m a proponent of putting in the hard work and effort that’s needed to achieve your goals.

My big beef with hustle culture is that it distorts the idea of going after your dreams—and turns it into something unpleasant, unhealthy, and poisonously competitive.  

Hustle culture is a myth that needs to be busted. 

First, busy isn’t better.

Let me say that a little louder for the people in the back: BUSY ISN’T BETTER. 

When we’re constantly busy, we often sacrifice other important aspects of our lives, like our health (physcial and mental), our relationships, and all the things that bring us joy and make us feel fulfilled. 

This can lead to burnout, stress, and a general feeling of dissatisfaction with life. 

Plus, “being busy” is often procrastination in disguise. Keeping ourselves busy with a bajillion little tasks is often used as cover to avoid tackling more daunting business challenges.

The irony of hustle culture is that it impairs productivity, increases stress levels, and stifles our creativity and ability to and solve problems. For  solopreneurs, that’s business suicide. 

And that’s the nutshell version of my hustle culture criticism.

Person at desk in suit but face and head are a burned out matchstick

Hustle Culture Criticism Is Gaining Momentum

I’m not alone in my distaste for hustle culture. In fact, an increasing number of highly successful people are pushing back against the idea that working nonstop and sacrificing personal wellbeing is the key to success. Instead, they are emphasizing the importance of taking breaks, focusing on strengths, and creating the time freedom that allows for healthy work-life balance. 

Here are just a few examples:

“I want to debunk the collective delusion that burnout is the necessary price we must pay for success.”

Arianna Huffington, founder of the Huffington Post and Thrive Global

“I used to believe that if you want to achieve anything worthwhile, you have to be in a constant state of pushing, striving, and working hard. But I was wrong. The truth is that rest is just as important as work, and in fact, it’s often more important.”

Tim Ferriss, author, podcaster, entrepreneur

“Hustle is the idea that if you work harder, put in more hours, you’ll get better results. But this is a lie. It’s not how it works.”

Jason Fried, Co-founder and CEO of Basecamp 

“I truly believe that we are at our best when we are not working, and we are at our worst when we are overworked.” 

Sheryl Sandberg, Vice Chair and former COO of Facebook

chalkboard showing hustle culture criticism: the word "burnout" crossed out and "balance" written under it

The Dangers of Hustle Culture Are Backed by Science

Research shows that working long hours without creating a work-life balance can have significant negative impacts on a person’s health. 

The World Health Organizationwhich officially recognizes burnout as an occupational phenomenonfound that working long hours can have significant negative impacts on health, including:

  • Increased risk of cardiovascular disease
  • Mental health issues such as depression and anxiety
  • Increased stress levels and physical exhaustion 
  • Decreased immune function

And a study in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine (a leading scientific, peer-reviewed publication) found that working long hours can lead to:

  • Decreased productivity
  • Decreased job satisfaction
  • Decreased motivation

How to Break Free from Hustle Culture

If you’ve been sucked into the hustle culture phenomenon and are looking for an escape, don’t fret. 

You can break free at any time! 

You just need to shift your mindset and focus on what matters to you. Here are a few practical things you do: 

Avoid comparing yourself to others: Think about what matters most to you, and clarify personal goals. Then set milestone goals for getting where you want to be.

Set boundaries with your clientsand with yourself: When you’re building and running a business, your work can become all-consuming. Set realistic expectations with your clients–and with yourself.  

Focus on what will propel you forward each day: Be very strategic about how you spend your work hours. You’ll be surprised at how much faster you can reach your goals when you create a smart, detailed schedule for your workday–and stick to it.

Give yourself time to refresh and recharge: Remember, taking care of yourself is not a luxury! Your health and mental wellbeing are critical to your success. Without balance, you’ll end up exhausted and unfulfilled. That’s not a sustainable path to success. 


Let’s Re-Imagine Our Narrative of Success

closeup of woman with big smile, gold earrings and gold sequined jacket looking successful and joyful

Hustle culture has been glamorized and celebrated as the key to success.

But the truth is, it’s a toxic mentality that promotes overwork, burnout, and a lack of work-life balance.

As I end my rant about hustle culture, I’ll leave you with three questions to reflect on: 


  1. What’s your relationship with hustle culture? 
  2. What does true success mean to you? 
  3. How can we shift the narrative around success to prioritize well-being and promote a healthier, more fulfilling approach to work and life?
Pro Blogger Bundle Review: Are Create and Go’s 4 Courses Worth the Price?

Pro Blogger Bundle Review: Are Create and Go’s 4 Courses Worth the Price?

I partner with select companies whose products and/or services I love! Some of the links on this page may be affiliate links, which means if you purchase an item using my link, I may receive a small commission (at no added cost to you). I appreciate your support.  

If you’re serious about starting a successful blog, I highly recommend the Pro Blogger Bundle. The four courses cover what you need to know to create, grow, and monetize your blog.

Text "Pro Blogger Bundle" above illustrations of computers with each of the four course names displayed on the screens: Launch Your Blog Business, Six-Figure Course Creator, SEO Blueprint for Bloggers, and Pinterest Traffic Avalanche

My Candid Pro Blogger Bundle Review

If you’re like many new and aspiring bloggers, you’ve likely been hearing whispers about how some  bloggers are making tens of thousands of dollars each month from their blogs.

And yes, SOME bloggers are.

If you’re planning to start a blog—or if you’ve launched a blog but aren’t making any money from it, you may have done some Googling to see what these high-earning bloggers are doing differently.

Spoiler alert: Many of them are earning the big bucks by selling their own courses.

And this is where things get a bit meta.

Lots of successful bloggers are selling courses on how to make money from blogging. Lauren McManus and Alex Nerney, the founders of Create and Go, are two such bloggers.

In 2022, they earned almost $400,000 in blog income, and $134,000 of that came from selling their digital blogging courses.

side-by-side headshots of Lauren McManus and Alex Nerney with Create and Go text logo across the bottom

My Personal Experience with Create and Go’s Pro Blogger Bundle

Before I dive in, here’s why I’m qualified to give a helpful Pro Blogger Bundle review . . .

I bought the Pro Blogger Bundle from Create and Go in 2022, completed all four of the courses, am currently implementing what I learned. I go back to the courses frequently when I need a refresher or when I’m ready to implement a new tactic the courses cover.

In this Pro Blogger Bundle review, I’m sharing my honest assessment. I’ll give you an overview the bundle and what’s included in each of the four courses. And I’ll list out what I feel are the pros and cons—including whether the trainings are worth the price.

Before we move on, let me take a moment to commend you on doing your due diligence before deciding whether this 4-course bundle is right for you.  🙂

Overview of Create and Go’s Pro Blogger Bundle

Create and Go is a popular blog that teaches people how to launch and run a profitable blog business. The Pro Blogger Bundle includes Create and Go’s four most popular courses.

Each course teaches a different aspect of blogging—to help you quickly launch your blog website, get visitors to your site, and then turn your blog into a profitable business.

Here’s a brief description of each course:

1. Launch Your Blog Biz

This course is an excellent starting point for anyone who wants to start a blog. It covers the basics of creating a blog, including how to choose a niche, set up a website, and create content.

It also touches on essentials like how to design your blog and branding—and teaches the basics of how to write blog posts (i.e. content creation for beginners).

Overall, it’s very well-structured and easy to follow, with helpful worksheets and exercises to guide you through each step.

illustration of a computer with words "Launch Your Blog Business" on the screen and other devices with screenshot of the course

Launch Your Blog Biz is my favorite of the four courses in this review. It’s perfect for blogging newbies (like I was) with no previous experience launching WordPress blog from scratch. The course teaches everything you need to know to get your blog up and running fast. Lauren, who teaches of the bulk of the Launch Your Blog Biz course, is excellent at making things easy to understand.

The Launch Your Blog Biz course includes more than 50 video lessons (ranging from about 5 minutes up to 30 minutes each), plus written tutorials, templates, checklists and additional resources!

2. Pinterest Traffic Avalanche

This course teaches you how to use Pinterest to drive traffic to your blog. You’ll learn how to create and optimize Pinterest pins to drive traffic to your website; how to create use group boards on your Pinterest account, and how to analyze your Pinterest metrics to improve your strategy.

I knew nothing about Pinterest before I took the course, and it got me up to speed fast!

The Pinterest Traffic Avalanche course includes about 30 short video lessons (plus bonus lessons), along with written lessons, checklists, planners, and additional resources.

illustration of a computer with words "Pinterest Traffic Avalanche" on the screen and other devices with screenshot of the course


3. SEO Blueprint for Bloggers

This course teaches you how to optimize your blog for search engines. You’ll learn how to conduct keyword research, create SEO-friendly content, and optimize your website for search engines.

Note: This is the only course in the Pro Blogger bundle that’s not taught by Lauren and/or Alex. Noah Riggs, Create and Go’s SEO advisor, is the instructor for this course.

The SEO lessons you’ll learn in this course cover a LOT of material. There are more than 50 video lessons. Most of the lessons are about 5 -10 minutes long, which makes the sometimes technical information easy to digest. Noah does a good job of breaking things down into simple terms. 

illustration of a computer with words "SEO Blueprint for Bloggers" on the screen and other devices with screenshot of the course

4. Six-Figure Course Creator

This course teaches you how to create and sell online courses, a lucrative way to monetize your blog. The course covers how to develop your course idea, create the course content, and market your course to your audience. It also provides guidance on how to set up your course platform and payment systems.

This final (and most advanced) course in the bundle is incredibly comprehensive. It includes more than 40 video lessons, plus written lesssons, templates, and a few bonus videos. 


illustration of a computer with words "Six-Figure Course Creator" on the screen and other devices with screenshot of the course

Pro Blogger Bundle Review: Pros and Cons


Comprehensive Content: The Pro Blogger Bundle covers every aspect of blogging, from starting a blog to monetizing it and driving traffic to it. The course is comprehensive and provides step-by-step guidance on every topic.

High-Quality Video Lessons: The video lessons are high-quality and well-produced, with clear audio and video. The instructors are engaging and easy to understand.

Easy-to-Follow Structure: The course is well-structured and easy to follow. Each module builds on the previous one, and the videos are short and to-the-point.

Worksheets and Quizzes: The courses include worksheets and quizzes that help you reinforce your knowledge and test your understanding of the material.

Multiple Teaching Styles: The courses are organized as self-paced modules, with video lessons, worksheets, and quizzes to help you learn and apply the teachings in a very hands-on way. If you don’t want to watch the videos, you can simply read through the information instead. Or do a mix of both. These courses let you choose how you like to learn.

Supportive Community: The Create and Go private Facebook group is unbelievably supportive and active. You can ask questions, share your successes, and get feedback on your blog from other members. It provides a wealth of knowledge and support—so you’ll get ongoing value long after you’ve completed the courses.


Not cheap: The Pro Blogger Bundle is a significant investment, with a price tag of $797. While it’s WELL worth the investment, it may not be affordable for everyone.

Requires Self-Discipline: The Pro Blogger Bundle is self-paced, which means that you’ll need to be disciplined and motivated to complete the course. If you struggle with self-discipline, it may be challenging to complete the course.

No Personalized Support: While the Create and Go community is supportive, there’s no personalized support available. If you have specific questions or issues, you’ll need to rely on the community or do additional research. But if you want to be a successful blogger (or solopreneur of any kind), you need to be able to figure things out on your own. You can’t expect an online course to teach you every single thing you need to know.

A Bit More Info on the Pro Blogger Bundle

If you’re serious about starting a successful blog, I highly recommend the Pro Blogger Bundle. The four courses cover what you need to know to create, grow, and monetize your blog.

The supportive, motivated, and knowledgeable community (a private Facebook group of other bloggers who have taken a Create and Go course) adds ongoing value that is truly priceless.

My results so far?

I launched my blog quickly (the one you’re on right now). I continue to use the learnings from the SEO Blueprint for Bloggers and Pinterest Traffic Avalanche courses to help more people discover Grab Your Happy—and I’m seeing steady growth in my organic search rankings. The SEO is always a work in progress. But hey – here you are!

Did you get here from a Google Search? I’d love to know.

I haven’t begun to implement the course creation techniques taught in Six-Figure Course Creator yet. I’m holding off on creating any courses until I understand how I might best share my knowledge. For now, I’m staying focused on sharing my experiences and tips through my free blog content.

For me, the Pro Blogger Bundle has proven well worth the price!

And there’s so much bonus material thrown in, like: 

  • Email trust funnel templates 

  • SEO content calendar 

  • Affiliate programs round-up 

  • Business spreadsheets

  • Community Support Group

If you don’t feel you need all four courses, however, you may want to invest in just the ones that serve your needs. Be sure to do the math, however. You get a discount when you buy the courses as a bundle.

Other blogging courses you may want to consider

While I highly recommend the Pro Blogger Bundle from Create and Go as a fantastic resource for launching and growing a successful blog, there are also some competitor courses that you may want to consider.

Here are a few courses that I’ve heard positive things about:

Blogging for Business by Ahrefs ($799): This course is geared towards entrepreneurs and business owners who want to use their blog as a marketing tool to grow their brand. It covers everything from creating a content strategy to optimizing your blog for SEO.

Elite Blog Academy ($897): This course is designed for bloggers who want to take their blog to the next level and turn it into a full-time income stream. It covers topics such as creating compelling content, growing your audience, and monetizing your blog.

Built to Blog by Ryan Robinson ($497). This course is geared towards bloggers who want to learn how to build a sustainable and profitable blog. It covers topics such as creating a content strategy, growing your audience, and monetizing your blog.

When I was researching courses, I went with the Pro Blogger Bundle because it seemed the best for my needs. But it’s always a good idea to do your own research and find the course that best fits your needs and blogging goals.


Are Create and Go courses a scam?

Not at all! Create and Go courses are very professional, helpful, and well worth the price.

Is it better to buy courses individually or buy the Pro Blogger Bundle?

That depends on your needs and your budget.

If you’re a beginner and don’t want to invest in the more intermediate courses, for example,  I’d recommend purchasing the standalone Launch Your Blog Biz course. That’s the course that will help you get your blog up and running.

The SEO and Pinterest courses will help you get visitors to your blog once it’s up and running (and in order to make money with your blog at some point, you’re going to need people to actually visit your site). If I had to choose between one of those two, I’d pick the SEO Blueprint for Bloggers.

And finally, if you already have a blog up and running and you’ve got visitors to your site, the go with the 6-Figure Course Creator. That’s the most advanced of the four courses in the Pro Blogger Bundle. If you know you’re going to go through all four courses eventually, and you have the money to invest up front, then you’ll get a better deal by buying the Bundle than making individual course purchases.

Are the courses up to date? 

The Create and Go team works hard to update the courses with new information and any tech or industry changes. But blogging is a fast-moving industry and things change so fast that you can’t depend on the courses always being up to date.

Is Create and Go’s Pro Blogger Bundle worth the price?


These courses will save you countless hours of time and frustration compared to trying to do it all on your own. If I hadn’t bought the courses, there’s a good chance I wouldn’t have gotten Grab Your Happy off the ground.

Does Create and Go cover everything you need to know to launch a blog? 


While the courses are very detailed and comprehensive, there are some things you’re going to need to figure out on your own. There are technical things that might not be completely covered in full detail. The best thing to do in such cases, is to do a Google search to find the supplementary help you need. Pull up your entrepreneurial pants and figure out what it is you need to know.

I hope you found my candid Pro Blogger Bundle review helpful! If you’d like to ask any specific questions, feel free to do so in the comments section below! 

Unstoppable Solopreneur: 5 Ways to Empower Yourself for Success

Unstoppable Solopreneur: 5 Ways to Empower Yourself for Success

If you’re a solopreneur, you’re in charge of your own success. That’s liberating!

It can also be challenging. Scary. And overwhelming.

Because when you’re the person in charge of your own success, you need to be able to depend on yourself for getting where you want to be.

Sure, other people can advise, guide, encourage, and inspire you. But in the end, you’re the one driving the bus!

Question is, how do you empower yourself for success?

In this post, I’m sharing five steps that will help you build the self-awareness, determination, and confidence you need to succeed as a solopreneur. As you read through each of these steps, there will likely be some areas where you think you’re good to go. Other areas that need work. And you might even see some of these steps as completely out of your reach.

Nope. Nope. And NOPE!

Everything here is totally within your grasp. At the same time, none of these steps are ever ‘done and dusted.’  These are not things you can just check off your list and forget about. Empowering yourself to succeed is a continuous process that will evolve and change as you (and your business) grow.

Enough preamble, let’s get to it!

5 Ways to Empower Yourself for Success


1. Identify and develop your strengths

What are you good at? Empowerment comes from having the ability to identify and leverage your strengths.

Once you have a clear understanding of your strengths (and this is a BIGGIE), keep going. Keep growing!

Focus on becoming a go-to expert in your solopreneurial niche. Or even better, THE go-to expert in your niche.

Identifying your strengths is an important step for self-empowerment. But remember, you don’t have to be an expert right from the start. And once you do become an expert, there’s ALWAYS room to grow, expand — or niche down.

identify your strengths

How do I identify my strengths?

Start with some deep self-reflection. I know, it sounds weird and scary and a bit foo-foo. But it’s not.

Self-reflection is serious, pragmatic business!

As you look inward to identify your strengths, focus on all aspects of what you’re good at — from business skills and natural talents to your emotional IQ and unique experiences.

Ask yourself lots of questions:

  • What are you good at?
  • What do you enjoy doing?
  • What energizes you?
  • What do you love learning about?
  • What have you accomplished in the past that you’re proud of?
  • How would your friends and family describe you?
  • What would those who know you best say is unique about you?

Brainstorm broadly, without judgment, and make a big list.

Give yourself time to think on this. Once you have a clear understanding of your strengths, identify the core strengths that are relevant to your business success—and focus on those.

When you take time to identify and deepen your areas of expertise, you empower yourself for success as a solopreneur.

2. Move past fear

Fear can be a powerful obstacle to achieving success on your own. And it can manifest in many ways—from procrastination to self-doubt. When you give in to your fear, you hold yourself back from taking risks, trying new things, and putting yourself out there for the world to see. Ultimately, your fear can disempower you and prevent you from achieving your dreams.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

move past fear to empower yourself

To stop fear from sabotaging your success, you must learn to embrace change and uncertainty.

That means being open to new ideas and experiences. And being willing to take calculated risks. Focus on the positive outcomes that can come from taking risks, rather than the potential for failure!

One way to get there is by being honest with yourself about your fears and self-doubts—without judgment.

Put everything out there on the table (or a pad of paper or a journal). Look at each of your fears, and ask yourself: “What’s the worst that can happen?” Usually, the thing you’re afraid of isn’t nearly as bad you’re making it out to be in your mind.

In fact, when you confront your fears head-on, you might find (like I have) that it’s actually quite easy—exhilarating even!—to move past them.

And here’s the thing, if you do fail, it’s okay. It’s expected! As a solopreneur, if you’re not failing once in a while, you’re being wayyyy too cautious.

I like to think of failure as powerful accelerator for success.  When you fail, you’re given the opportunity to learn and grow from your mistakes. Instead of viewing failure as a setback, try looking at it as a valuable learning experience that will help propel you to even greater success in the future.

A big part of empowering yourself to succeed is empowering yourself to fail.

3. Claim your value

Believing in yourself and your abilities is what self-empowerment is all about.

This step is all about recognizing that you have something unique and valuable to offer the world. And not being afraid to claim your value.

Yup! I’m talking money here, folks.

claim your value

All too often, solopreneurs undervalue themselves or allow others to tell them what they’re worth.

Unfortunately, women struggle with this more than men. There are plenty of studies (like this one, this one, and this one) that show how men overestimate their talents, while women don’t give themselves enough credit. Let’s put an end to that, shall we?

Regardless of your gender, though, empowering yourself to succeed means having confidence in your skills, talents, and potential. It also means not letting anyone else tell you what you’re worth.

When you understand the value you provide, and you claim that value unabashedly, you’ll attract like-minded customers—and build relationships based on mutual respect.

What’s more, when you claim your value you empower yourself to reach income goals you might never have imagined possible.

4. Acknowledge your progress

Solopreneurial success is rarely a straight line. It’s more like a jiggety jaggety graph. The goal, of course, it to see an overall upward trend. 

acknowledge progress to empower yourself to success

To stay motivated and inspired, it’s important to appreciate your progress along the way—whether it’s a small win or a major accomplishment.

When you take the time to acknowledge and track your progress, you’ll start to see patterns that can help you improve your strategies moving forward.  

One way to track your achievements is simply to keep a progress journal.  Write down what you accomplished (again, no matter how big or small), along with any challenges you faced and how you overcame them. 

Reviewing your progress regularly will give you a sense of perspective on how far you’ve come and what you’re capable of. 

5. Be your true self

To succeed on your own, you must be true to who you are. Authenticity is imperative. Simple as that.

authenticity be your true self

Being your true self is one of the most powerful things you can do when it comes to achieving success in your personal and professional life.

It can be hard not to compare yourself to others, or to base your success on what’s important to others. Or what you think is important to others.

Avoid getting swept up in the toxic hustle culture, or setting your goals based on other people’s standards of success. That approach is sure to bite you in the butt.

Want to feel a rush of self-empowerment?

Embrace your individuality, stay true to your values, and break free from the molds that confine you.

When you are true to yourself as a solopreneur, you will set more meaningful goals; make more confident decisions; and attract the right opportunities, people, and customers into your life. All of which are essential elements of  solopreneurial success.


Final tip: As you follow these five steps, be patient with yourself. Keep focusing on your strengths, using fear to propel you, claiming your value, acknowledging your progress, and being your true self. Remember, YOU are in control of your solopreneurial success. Take the wheel!

#1 Crippling Mistake I Made When Starting My Online Business: A Cautionary Tale

#1 Crippling Mistake I Made When Starting My Online Business: A Cautionary Tale

My big online business mistake when starting out

If you’re embarking on your first work-from-home (WFH) business venture, consider this a brief cautionary tale. From me to you, with love.

When I started my online copywriting business in the early 2000s, people in my life didn’t quite understand what I was doing all day. Or that I was starting a real business.

Because I wasn’t going to an office each day, they couldn’t quite wrap their heads around the fact that I actually needed to work.

Soon enough, I became the go-to-gal for all sorts of favors . . .

“Hey Karen! Would you mind picking up Joey from daycare today? He’s done early today, and I’ll still be at work.” (Umm… I’d still be a work, too.)


“Hey Karen, can you run over to my house tomorrow between 11am-1pm? The damn plumber gave me a 2-hour window and I can’t take that much time for my lunch hour!!” (Err… )


“Hey Karen, I have the day off! Let’s go get mani-pedis!” (Ooh! So tempting…)

empty home office online business mistake when starting out

In the first couple years after launching my copywriting business, I’d usually do these favors (and accept especially tempting invitations) because in some ways, I felt like my working hours weren’t as important as my friends’ working hours.

It took a whole lot of blood, sweat, and boundary-setting to finally get people to treat me like I was actually at work when . . . I was actually at work. At home. 💻

It took some time, but I finally realized that something had to change.

– I wasn’t being as productive as I knew I could be.

– I had trouble sticking to a schedule.

– And I wasn’t anywhere near the income goals I’d set for myself.

One day, I had an epiphany: I was sabotaging my chances for solopreneurial success. Unless I could figure out how to set clear boundaries for my time, my business would never be successful.

But here’s the rub: I also figured out that the most  important person I needed to set boundaries with was . . . MYSELF.

Moral of the story?

Create time boundaries for YOURSELF right from the start. Once you do, protecting those boundaries will become second nature.

It may sound counterintuitive, but setting boundaries is so freeing!

– You’ll feel less stressed and more confident.

– You’ll start taking yourself and your business more seriously.

– And best of all, your productivity and profitability will improve by leaps and bounds.

Avoid this all-too-common online business mistake when starting out. You’ll be so thankful you did!


Want more guidance on how to start an online business? Read my 16-point checklist for starting a successful online business.

9 Secrets to Living a Happy Life as an Entrepreneur

9 Secrets to Living a Happy Life as an Entrepreneur

Before we talk about how to live a happy life as an entrepreneur, a quick flashback to my younger self . . .

When I was in my early 20s I wrote and acted in a one-woman comedy show called “Dumb Blondes and Other Nightmares.”

The titular character, a “dumb blonde” named Cami, is a flight attendant whose dream is to be a standup comedian. At one point, she becomes very disgruntled, complaining that nobody takes her seriously just because she’s super duper happy and bubbly all the time — and she explodes in anger, yelling: Personally, I’m happier when I’m happy!!!” 

funny flyer and happy photo for one woman show


I wrote that line because I thought it was funny and revealed Cami’s seemingly superficial thought process. In retrospect, I realize it’s a core belief that has guided my life.

I really am happier when I’m happy. Aren’t you?

Being happy, of course, doesn’t have to mean your life is always great and everything’s perfect and the world is beautiful. Instead, happiness comes from how you handle all of what life brings: the good, the bad and the ugly. 

Do you have the know-how to live a happy life as entrepreneur?

Being an entrepreneur can be incredibly fulfilling, that’s for dang sure!

But it can also feel stressful and overwhelming and like you’re juggling 27 bowling pins and knowing for certain that you’re bound to drop one or ten or all of them at any given second.

In this post, I’m sharing my very best tips for living a happy life as an entrepreneur.

written words tips for a happy life as an entrepreneur

1. Set your own standards for success

This is your life, and no one else can live it for you. So live it on your own terms. Not everyone is going to understand or support your entrepreneurial dreams. And comparing yourself to others can be demotivating. So think about what success looks like to you—and use that as your compass. When you’re  true to yourself, you’ll enjoy a happier and more fulfilling entrepreneurial life. As my high school Drama teacher used to say to us fragile teens every day: Don’t let the turkeys bring you down!

2. Celebrate your progress, even the small stuff

Remember that all progress is good progress. It’s easy to get discouraged when things don’t go as expected. Acknowledging your progress, no matter how big or small, can be the motivation that keeps you going in times of difficulty. Taking stock of what you’ve accomplished will help you stay focused on your goals and keep moving forward.

3. Lean in to your failures 

Failure is a natural part of the entrepreneurial life. Think of your mistakes, setbacks, and failures as learning opportunities—and use them to innovate and grow. By understanding the cause of a failure, you can identify areas for improvement and use that knowledge to make better decisions in the future.  Failing does not always mean disaster; it can be an opportunity for creativity and growth if you use it wisely.

4. Cultivate a support system 

Entrepreneurship can be lonely at times, especially if you don’t have anyone else in your life who understands what it is like to run a business (especially one that is still in its early stages). Consider joining online forums specifically geared towards entrepreneurs so that you have access to advice and resources from people who are going through similar experiences to yours.

Building a support system of other entrepreneurs, mentors—or even just friends and family that believe in you and want to see you succeed—is incredibly important. They can provide you with advice, feedback, and encouragement when things get tough. And you can do the same for them!

5. Relax and recharge like you life depends on it

As entrepreneurs, we can easily get lost in our work because there’s always more to be done. Don’t get caught up in the hustle and grind mentality. Make sure you prioritize time for yourself each day or week to relax, recharge, and refresh. Otherwise, you’re going to burn out (running a business can be extremely draining, both mentally and physically). Do what feels right to you: read a book, meditate, exercise, or just enjoy a cuppa tea without having any business stuff vying for your attention. It may feel counterintuitive, but in the long run, taking time away from your business to improve your mental and physical wellbeing will make you a more productive, more successful, and much happier entrepreneur.

6. Be a dreamer and a realist 

As an entrepreneur it’s important to be fearless, but not reckless. Having pie-in-the sky goals is a great way to push yourself and keep striving for more, but it’s also important to keep your feet firmly planted on the ground. Use the realist in you to recognize obstacles and find practical solutions. And use the dreamer in you to stay motivated and inspired. Both are vital to entrepreneurial happiness and success.

7. Don’t wallow when things get tough​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Want to live a happy life as entrepreneur? Then for the love of all that’s holy, please stop yourself from going down a rabbit hole of negativity, fear, or sadness whenever you come up against challenges or feel stuck. Wallowing is not only not productive; it also feeds on itself and makes matters worse. Instead, turn to action. Don’t let the elephant freak you out—remember: one bite a time. Break down your challenges into smaller components that you can deal with and that will take you closer to your goals. Or step away for a bit  and recharge (see tip #5). You’ll often find inspiration, motivation, and solutions to tough problems when you least expect it.

8. Keep learning

Learning new things is an important part of living a happy entrepreneurial life (or for living a happy life in general, if you ask me). Expanding our minds and abilities opens up new opportunities, provides us with a sense of accomplishment, increases our self-esteem—and ultimately, makes us feel more capable, motivated, and happy.

​​​​​​​​9. Keep your sense of humor

Being an entrepreneur can feel stressful and overwhelming (have I mentioned that yet?!). Having a light heart, being able to laugh at yourself, and finding the joy and humor in everyday life can make all the difference when it comes to living a fulfilled and meaningful life. Laughter truly is the best medicine. So lighten up, already. 🙂

You have the power to live a very happy life as an entrepreneur!

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Above all, know that you can and will do this. Believe in your abilities and trust yourself to make decisions that will get you closer to achieving your dreams. You have the capability to build something amazing—so stay focused, be fearless, take care of yourself, prioritize progress over perfection, and celebrate your wins along the way. You got this!


4 Steps to Build a Life You Don’t Need a Vacation From

4 Steps to Build a Life You Don’t Need a Vacation From

I partner with select companies whose products and/or services I love! Some of the links on this page may be affiliate links, which means if you purchase an item using my link, I may receive a small commission (at no added cost to you). I appreciate your support. 

How to Build a Life You Don’t Need a Vacation From

Ever feel like you need a vacation from your life?

Do you get that feeling a LOT?

What if, instead of dreaming about taking a vacation to escape your [stressful] [exhausting] [unfulfilled] [fill-in-the-blank adjective] life. . . you started thinking about vacations as a way to enhance the life you already love? 

Here’s something I realized after years and years of running my copywriting business . . .

You absolutely CAN design a life that aligns with the things that matter most to you.

And when you do, you won’t feel like you need a vacation from your life.

Oh, you’ll still want to take vacations, but it will be a totally different feeling. 🙂

For one thing, you’ll enjoy your vacations a gazillion times more. Because you won’t be dreading the return to your “real life” once your vacation ends. Vacations will simply become one lovely piece of the rich and gratifying life you’ve created for yourself.

I built a life I don’t need a vacation from, and you can too!

I’ve put a lot of thought and effort into carving out a life for myself that makes me happy. It’s taken a lot of experimenting (read: I’ve made a LOT of mistakes and had plenty of setbacks), and it’ll always be an ongoing process, but I’m feeling good about my progress.



4 Steps to Build a Life You Don’t Need a Vacation From

(Yup! I’m going with a travel/vacation theme for my tips.) 

Step 1: Create your flight map

Be very intentional from the get-go. Think about what it means to you to have a life you don’t need a vacation from.

For many people, freedom is a big factor. Freedom to do things you enjoy. Freedom from stress. Freedom to decide your own work schedule.

And then there’s money.

We all know that money, in and of itself, doesn’t make life great. But it can certainly make life easier—and a whole lot less stressful. On the flip side, if you’re making sh*t ton of money, but can’t stop working long enough to enjoy it, that’s no good either.

Take time to really figure out things like how many hours you want to work, how much flexibility you want in your schedule, and how much money you want to make. And then (and this is critical), think about WHY you want those things.

If you’re thinking about starting an online business check out my step-by-step advice for becoming your own boss.

And if the business you want to start is a blog business, check out Create and Go’s Launch Your Blog Biz course. It’s the course I took that allowed me to get the Grab Your Happy blog up and running.

illustration of a computer with words "Launch Your Blog Business" on the screen and other devices with screenshot of the course


If you’re not interested in starting your own business, ask yourself these three questions:

  1. What do I need to prioritize in my life to be happy?
  2. What’s off kilter in my life now that makes me feel like I need to escape from it?
  3. What do I need to change to create a life I enjoy in the day-to-day?

Be honest with yourself. Write down your answers. And then make a plan for what you need to do to get there.

It may turn out that you just need to make some minor, or even seemingly superficial, adjustments. Or you might realize that to create the life you desire, you need to take bigger, braver, bolder actions.

The point is, you need to think about what it is YOU want, and then take whatever action is needed to get there.


Step 2: Enjoy the journey

enjoying the journey and living a life you don't need vacation from


This is such a cliche statement, it hurts me a little to write it. But it goes with my 4-step travel theme, and it summarizes this step quite well. 

If you’re enjoying your life day-to-day (aka “enjoying the journey’) then you won’t feel the need to get away from it. You won’t need a vacation from your life because taking vacations will just be a part of your life (if, of course, that’s something you want).

So, how do you go about “enjoying the journey”?

This goes back to Step 1 above.

Once you understand what it means to you to have a life you don’t need to escape from—and you start prioritizing the things that matter most to you, you’ll find your life much more enjoyable.

And if that feeling of “needing” a vacation starts to come back (which it probably will at some point), that’s your signal to do a little course correction. Here’s an example from my own life:

When I first started getting consistent work as a copywriter, I found it hard to say no to new clients or new projects. I was so focused on building up my business, I had trouble shutting off work. It didn’t take long for me to realize I was on a fast-track to serious burnout.

So, I made a course correction. I realized the problem was that I needed to create more limited work hours for myself—and then stick to them.

The challenge, however, was that another big goal of mine at that point was to continue increasing my income.

In other words, I wanted to work less and earn more.

I know, I know… doesn’t everyone want that?! But it was VERY important to me, so I took action.

I decided to shift my business model to work a four-day week—and increase my rates. That meant shedding existing clients that couldn’t (or wouldn’t) pay my higher rates, and only taking on new clients that placed a higher value on my services. It felt like a risky move, but it turned out far better than I could have ever expected.

Now, I’m only working with clients that place a high value on my services. I’m working a schedule that I love. And most surprisingly, even though I cut down on my hours of work each week, I get just as much (or more) work done. Turns out, as my burnout and stress levels decrease, my productivity and creativity levels increase.


Step 3: Don’t freak out when you hit some turbulence 

When you’re making big shifts in your life, there are going to be ups and downs. When unexpected challenges arise, don’t give up.

People often say, “Don’t sweat the small stuff.”

My advice? Don’t sweat the big stuff.

Don't sweat the big stuff

When a big, fat challenge comes your way, figure out how to deal with it. Be a problem-solver and think of every challenge as a chance to grow.

If you give up at the first sign of turbulence, you’ll never get where you want to be.


Step 4: Discover hidden treasures

If you want to build a life you don’t need a vacation from, embrace a growth mindset. Be willing to explore new opportunities when they arise. When you do, new paths will open. You’ll discover interests and passions you may never have known about otherwise.

When you seek out opportunities to grow and evolve, you can avoid getting trapped in a Groundhog-Day-type-life you feel you need to escape from.

201 Brilliant Blog Names (and How to Pick Yours)

201 Brilliant Blog Names (and How to Pick Yours)

I partner with select companies whose products and/or services I love! Some of the links on this page may be affiliate links, which means if you purchase an item using my link, I may receive a small commission (at no added cost to you). I appreciate your support. 

201 Brilliant Blog Names 

Are you struggling to come up with the perfect name for your new blog?

In this post, I’ve come up with a slew of blog name ideas for a variety of blog niches.

If you see a blog name in my list that you like, feel free to snag it if it’s still available.

One of the most frustrating things about creating a blog name is that just when you think you’ve come up with the most original and perfect blog name… it often turns out someone else thought of it first.

It happens A LOT.

In fact, when I ran a domain name check for the blog names I brainstormed for this post, many were not available with the .com domain extension.

Same thing happened when I was working on a blog name for this blog site. And it happened again for another blog I’m launching with a friend (in a completely different niche).

Often, if the domain name you want isn’t available with the .com extension, it will be available with a different (less sought-after) domain extension, such as .net, .co, .biz, or .blog. But I think it’s better to stick with a .com extension, even if it means going with a domain name that’s not your #1 favorite.


brilliant blog names inspiration in black text at top. Bottom shows woman's face with hands on sides of her head looking like she has a great idea

201 Blog Names in Popular Blog Niches

If you see a blog name you like in this list, only to find that it’s no longer available, don’t despair. Use the name as inspiration to get your mind working.

Think about why you like it, and let that serve as a launching point for creating a brilliant blog name of your own.

TIPS: Down at the bottom of this post, you’ll find tips on how to come up with a good blog name, how to check if the URL you want is available, and how to register your new domain name.


Lifestyle Blogs Name Ideas

[Blog names below were still available as of 5/27/2022]

  1. Everything Always
  2. Rose Colored Sunnies
  3. The Life Aplenty
  4. Skipping Through
  5. Skipping Lightly
  6. Bumblebees
  7. Lavender Life
  8. Mood Truck
  9. Following Anna [swap in your first name]
  10. What’s Next, Amy? [swap in your first name]
  11. A Swim in the Lake

[The blog names below were no longer available with the “.com” extension as of  5/27/2002; may still be available with a different domain extension]

  1. World on a String com
  2. I Spy com
  3. An Improvised Life com
Create and Go launch your blog biz course

Travel Blog Name Ideas

[Blog names below were still available as of 5/27/2022]

  1. GlobeTrippers
  2. Passport Society
  3. Somewhere Over
  4. Welcome to Wanderlust
  5. Alice in Wanderlust
  6. What’s Next, Sally [swap in your first name]
  7. Where To, Sally [swap in your first name]
  8. Cheap Travel Insider

[The blog names below were no longer available with the “.com” extension as of  5/27/2002; may still be available with a different domain extension]

  1. My Tattered Passport com
  2. Untethered com
  3. Untethered Life com
  4. A Broad Abroad com
  5. Stumbled Upon com
  6. Points of Interest com
  7. Happy Hoppers com
  8. Ride and Seek com 
  9. RV Dreamin’ com
  10. Digital Nomadland com
  11. TravSolo com 
  12. To and Fro com
  13. Feet in the Sand com
  14. Adventure Gal com


Health and Fitness Blog Name Ideas

[Blog names below were still available as of 5/27/2022]

  1. Lean and Mean It
  2. Muscles and Matcha
  3. No Sweat Fitness
  4. Health Punks
  5. Fit In Your Jeans
  6. So Ripped
  7. Health Goal Guru
  8. Health Yah!
  9. Better Body Buddy
  10. Wow, She’s Fit!
  11. Drink Your Water
  12. Yoga Sirens
  13. Yoga Flower

[The blog names below were no longer available with the “.com” extension as of  5/27/2002; may still be available with a different domain extension]

  1. Work It Out com
  2. Two More Reps com
  3. Fit Nation com
  4. Hunky Health com
  5. Fit Grandma com
  6. Yes to Health com
  7. Ship Shape Health com
  8. Ever Fit com


Parenting / Mom / Dad Blog Name Ideas

[Blog names below were still available as of 5/27/2022]

  1. Momathon
  2. Mother Ducker
  3. Cool Mother Duckers
  4. Single Dad Academy
  5. Mom It Up
  6. Dad It Up
  7. Corporate Mamas
  8. Cool, Calm and Protected
  9. Land Your Helicopter
  10. Skip the Bake Sale
  11. Herding Rugrats
  12. Simple Solo Parenting
  13. Baseballs and Unicorns
  14. ThrowingBaseballs
  15. Parenting While Gray
  16. Missing Socks
  17. Our Nice Noisy Life

[The blog names below were no longer available with the “.com” extension as of  5/27/2002; may still be available with a different domain extension]

  1. Dadtastic com
  2. Spittle com
  3. Momstars com
  4. Let’s Talk Pop com
  5. Momulous com
  6. Dapper Dad com
  7. CEO Mom com
  8. Rogue Parenting com
  9. Parentry com
  10. Imperfect Parenting com
  11. Raggedy Anna com
  12. Raising Jane com
  13. One Messy Mama com
  14. Blissful Parenting com


Food (and Drink) Blog Name Ideas

[Blog names below were still available as of 5/27/2022]

  1. Stupidly Simple Baking
  2. Tasty Living
  3. Quick Healthy Food
  4. A Side of Fries
  5. Snack Hacks
  6. Entertaining Meals
  7. The Budget Gourmand
  8. My Simple Table

[The blog names below were no longer available with the “.com” extension as of  5/27/2002; may still be available with a different domain extension]

  1. The Spice Is Right com
  2. The Vagabond Vegan com
  3. Gluten Free Gourmand com
  4. Easy As Pie com
  5. Good Cook Bad Cook com
  6. Girl Gone Mild com
  7. The Sweet Life com
  8. Healthalicious com
  9. Family Cooking com
  10. How to Cook Anything com
  11. Home Brew Basics com
  12. Candles and Cocktails com
  13. Dinner with Dad com


Personal Finance Blog Name Ideas

[Blog names below were still available as of 5/27/2022]

  1. A Penny Saved
  2. The Dollar Doctor
  3. Fat Wallet Girl
  4. Greener Cabbage
  5. Money Multiplier
  6. Harnessing Dollars
  7. Finance Wizard
  8. Legacy Wealth Hub
  9. Wealth Cow

[The blog names below were no longer available with the “.com” extension as of  5/27/2002; may still be available with a different domain extension]

  1. The Money Magician com
  2. More Benjamins com
  3. Debt Samurai com
  4. Retire Rich com
  5. Secure Your Future com
  6. The Budget Boys com
  7. Poor No More com
  8. Money Mastery com
  9. Frugal Investing com
  10. The Lazy Investor com
  11. WealthHackers com
  12. Money Smarts com
  13. Nest Egg Secrets com


Beauty and Fashion Blog Name Ideas

[Blog names below were still available as of 5/27/2022]

  1. Posh Rinse Repeat
  2. Glowing Steady
  3. Love and Curls
  4. Glamour Girl Hub
  5. Makeup Free Life
  6. Natural Cutie
  7. Curly Hair Harlot
  8. Stylie Gal
  9. Berries and Peaches

[The blog names below were no longer available with the “.com” extension as of  5/27/2002; may still be available with a different domain extension]

  1. DIY Gorgeous com
  2. Hello Lovely com
  3. Flashback Fashion com
  4. Thrift Hauls com
  5. Fashion Underground com
  6. Found Fashion com


Home and Garden Blog Name Ideas

[Blog names below were still available as of 5/27/2022]

  1. Lemons and Lavender
  2. A Lovely Nest
  3. Scrumptious Home
  4. DIY Landscape
  5. Bella Casa Life
  6. Indoor Outdoor Life
  7. Abundant Decor
  8. Intentional Lounging

[The blog names below were no longer available with the “.com” extension as of  5/27/2002; may still be available with a different domain extension]

  1. Gardener’s Hub com
  2. Son of a Kitch com
  3. Fresh Spaces com
  4. Eye on Design com
  5. Wiggle Room com
  6. The Landscape Lady com
  7. Shrubby com


Blogging Blog Name Ideas

[Blog names below were still available as of 5/27/2022]

  1. Blog Street Boy
  2. The Blog Stop
  3. BlogVision
  4. Blog It Up
  5. Build a Blog
  6. SEO Blogstars
  7. Affiliate Allstars

[The blog names below were no longer available with the “.com” extension as of  5/27/2002; may still be available with a different domain extension]

  1. BlogWiz com
  2. Blog Better com
  3. BlogLab com
  4. Badass Blogger com
  5. Blogging for Dollars com
  6. BlogRight com
  7. The Wealthy Blogger com
  8. Blog Life com
  9. Blog Camp com
  10. Everything Blogging com
  11. Blognasium com
  12. Best in Blog com


Technology Blog Name Ideas

[Blog names below were still available as of 5/27/2022]

  1. IT Girl Tech
  2. ProTechLab
  3. Stacknasium
  4. Grandma Tech Support
  5. Tech Reviewer Now
  6. Luddite Tech
  7. Tech Business Advice
  8. The New Tech Guru

[The blog names below were no longer available with the “.com” extension as of  5/27/2002; may still be available with a different domain extension]

  1. NerdBox com
  2. Code Mode com
  3. Techarama com
  4. Technivore com
  5. Hackalicious com
  6. All About Tech com
  7. Tech Underground com
  8. Bleeding Edge com
  9. Simple Tech Tutorials com
  10. Tech Made Easy com
  11. Tech Product Reviewer com
  12. Tech for Newbies com
  13. Nothing But Tech com


How do I come up with a name for my blog?

To land upon a great name for your blog, you don’t only need to think up a name you love; it also needs to be original enough that it hasn’t already been taken. That’s harder than you may think.

Sometimes, you come up with a brilliant blog name. A blog name you think is amazingly original! You’re so happy with it, and proud of yourself for thinking of it.

Then, you do a domain name check and see that someone else is already using it.

Or in some cases, a domain name investor might have purchased the domain name for the sole purpose of selling it for profit.

So, how do you come up with a good blog name? And how do you check if it’s available?

First, let’s tackle some best tips for coming up with a good blog domain name. Here are the basic steps I recommend:

Consider your target audience: If you haven’t done so already, take some time to think about who you will be serving with your blog. Why will this group read your blog? What is the benefit they’ll get from reading your blog?

Once you’ve done that, think about the tone of voice you’ll use to communicate with them. If it’s a beauty blog, for example, you might use a very casual and almost gossipy tone.

If you’re launching a finance blog aimed at helping people invest smartly, you may want to go for a trustworthy and more conservative tone.

Of course, you could also have a finance blog that uses a more casual, lighthearted tone. The point is, you should think about it, and then match the tone of your blog name to the tone you want to set in your blog as a whole.

Get inspired: See what brilliant blog names people in your niche are using. Run a Google search like, “Most popular food blogs” (swap out “food” for your niche or micro-niche). Write down names that you like — and use them as a launching point for inspiration.

Brainstorm: One you’ve thought about your target audience, it’s time to brainstorm!

– Write down as many words as you can think of that relate to your blog.

– Write down words that relate directly to your niche.

– Write down words related to the benefit you’ll provide to your readers.

– Write down words that align with the tone you want to set for your blog (i.e. words that relate what you want your audience to think, learn, or feel).

As you’re brainstorming, be sure to include all kinds of words, including nouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs.

If complete blog name ideas come to mind while you’re brainstorming words, write those down too!


The key to effective brainstorming is to open your mind to lots of ideas. If you start editing yourself, you stifle your creativity.

You want to come up with a big list of ideas that you can use as a starting point.

So, save the editing until after you’re done brainstorming.

Tips and tools for naming your blog

Consider a portmanteauThat’s the term for when you blend words (or parts of words) together to create a new word.

“Brunch” is a common example of a portmanteau (breakfast+lunch).

As are “frenemy” (friend+enemy) and “brainiac” (brain+maniac).

Shall we get a little meta for a minute? “Blog” itself is a shortened version of the original portmanteau, “weblog” (web+blog).

Take another look through the blog names in my list. Can you spot the portmanteaus?

Consider a play on words. Is there a common idiom or short phrase you can switch up slightly to create a blog name? For example, the blog name, Posh Rinse Repeat (included in my list of beauty blog name ideas above) is a play on the phrase “Wash, rinse, repeat.”

One word of caution. Make sure you know the meaning of the original phrase or idiom before you use it as the basis for a play on words. Some idioms may have a negative meaning that you’re not aware of.

Use my favorite word generator. is a dream when you’re trying to come up with an original blog name.

It’s like a thesaurus on steroids.

The “related words” feature is simple yet amazing.

You type in a word, click the “related words” button, and you see a big list of ‘related’ words that go way beyond the synonyms you’d get from a plain ol’ thesaurus.

find creative words for blog names

It has more advanced search functions, too.

find brilliant blog names tool


For example, you can use it to find words and phrases that “start with” (or “end with”) the word you enter. So if you enter the word, “blue”, you’d get results like bluebird, bluebell, bluebonnet, etc.

Did I mention it’s a free tool? 😉

Use a blog name generator. Google the term “blog name generator” or “domain name generator” and you’ll see there are plenty to choose from.

NameBoy and DomainWheel are both good choices for generating blog names (vs. business names).

Avoid an embarrassing mistake. Before you go all in on a blog name you love, write it out in URL form (if your blog name contains more than one word). Then inspect the URL closely to make sure that when the words all run together, it doesn’t transform into an inappropriate domain name you’ll regret.

Should I use an SEO keyword in my blog name?

Depending on your blog niche, you may want to consider using a keyword in your blog name (like “tech” as part of your blog in the tech niche, or “fitness” for your fitness-niche blog).

But using a keyword, or even a word clearly associated with your niche, isn’t always necessary. Many popular and successful blogs in the lifestyle niche, for example, use words that evoke a feeling they want to convey.

Ultimately, the choice of whether you want a blog name that includes a keyword or simply evokes a feeling is up to you.

Having a keyword in your URL (like using the word “finance” or “money” in your finance-niche blog) can be helpful for search engine optimization (SEO) purposes. But it’s just one tiny part of the success equation. Indeed, many very successful blogs don’t have a niche keyword in their domain name.

Should I use a unique spelling in my blog name?

When you use an uncommon or completely made-up spelling for a word in your blog name, it’s more likely the domain name (the URL) will be available.

But on the flipside, a made-up or unique spelling can also be harder for people to remember when they want to type your URL into their browser bar.

That doesn’t mean a unique spelling will ruin your chances of success.

For example, there’s a health and fitness blog called The blog name is based on a made up spelling for “avocado”–a word that many people already find hard to spell.

But that didn’t stop bloggers Alex and Lauren from earning six-figures from the blog its first year, with profits increasing annually after that. Alex and Lauren also started and now run the very successful blog, Create and Go, and have since sold their Avocadu blog, I assume for a very large sum).

How do I check if a blog name is already taken?

It’s quick and easy to check if a domain name is available.

Web host providers like BlueHost, GoDaddy, and Wix all have free domain name checkers.

Or you can use a free domain name checker like

Either way, you just type in your chosen blog name, and you’ll instantly see whether your domain name is available.

How do I register my domain name?

Most of the top web hosting services include free domain name registration with your web hosting fee.

When you sign up for your hosting plan, you’ll have the option to register your domain name. It’s a simple process, and your hosting provider will guide you through the steps.

Can I register my domain name if I don’t have a website yet?

If you don’t have a website or web host yet, you can still register your domain name right away with any authorized domain registrar, like

And it’s the smart thing to do!

Because if you don’t register your domain name right away, someone else might get to it first. In which case you’ll have to go back to square one and come up with a new blog name you love.

There’s also the chance that a domain name investor might snatch up your blog name before you get around it. If that were to happen, the domain name might still be available later on, but at a hiked-up price.

How do I launch and monetize my blog?

Once you’ve registered your domain name, it’s time to launch your blog!

If you need help and want to get launch quickly (I’m talking within a week, if you put your mind to it!),  I highly recommend Create and Go’s Launch Your Blog Biz course.

And if you’re looking to go ALL IN with your blog right from the start, then take a look at their Pro Blogger Bundle.  It includes four Create and Go courses that guide you through the steps of launching your blog, getting people to actually visit your blog, and then making money from it.

I’ve taken all of the courses in Create and Go’s Pro Blogger Bundle, and doing so saved me SO much time and frustration. Read my full review here: Are Create and Go’s Courses Worth the Price?



Do you have more questions about creating a blog name or starting a blog? Post in the comments below.

Dreamers and Doers: 3 Secrets of Successful Entrepreneurs

Dreamers and Doers: 3 Secrets of Successful Entrepreneurs

Dreamers and Doers

Hello, entrepreneurial friend!

Quick question for you: Do you consider yourself EITHER a dreamer OR a doer?

If so, maybe you can relate to one of the following descriptions:

  •  You’re an eternal dreamer with a vast imagination . . . who can’t seem to take action on your entrepreneurial dreams.


  • You’re an energetic and organized doer . . . who is so focused on “getting things done” that you don’t allow yourself the space to dream.

Here’s the thing: If you want to find success as an entrepreneur, you need to be able to tap into BOTH the dreamer AND the doer within you.

– As an entrepreneur, you need to be able to dream—using your imagination to create a grand vision for what you want to achieve.

– But if you actually want to bring your dreams to fruition, the doer in you must step in to take the necessary actions.

The good news is that we can all dream, and we can all do. The two are not mutually exclusive.

entrepreneur dreaming and doing

3 Secrets of Successful Entrepreneurs

The most successful entrepreneurs are both dreamers AND doers. Here are three things that set them apart:

1. They give themselves permission to dream big.

2. They plan, they take action, and they persist. Successful entrepreneurs are committed to realizing their dreams. They are brave, strategic thinkers who don’t throw in the towel when challenges arise.

3. They never stop dreaming and never stop doing. Because they know change is inevitable (in business and in life), successful entrepreneurs continuously seek out new ways to grow and improve.

quote about dreamers

How to Be a Dreamer and a Doer

As you start your entrepreneurial journey, allow yourself to dream big and set sky-high goals.

Next, make a plan, and get strategic about how you will bring your dream to life.

Planning only goes so far, however. To keep moving forward, you need to put your plans into action.

Because constant planning and no action is really just dreaming in disguise.

Be persistent. When you come up against unexpected obstacles, figure out how to get around them. Or pivot, and find a new way forward.

If you give up on your dream because you’re not seeing results fast enough, or because you can’t immediately solve a problem, you do yourself a big disservice. In effect, you’re telling yourself you’re not capable of achieving your dreams.

But when you are persistent—when you commit to moving forward no matter what comes your way, you will often see things in a new light.

When you continue to dream and plan and act, youll be amazed at what you can accomplish. In fact, you’ll often find new ways to move forward with even greater success.

You just need to give yourself the time and space to do so.


A Lil’ Poem About Dreamers and a Doers

To help explain the power of being both a dreamer AND a doer, I’ve compiled an assortment of inspirational quotes.

And I’ve arranged them into a poem, of sorts. 🙂

Here we go . . .

Of Entrepreneurs and Dreamers and Doers: A Poem in Quotes


reciting quotes about dreamers


“Nothing happens unless first we dream.” —Carl Sandburg

“Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” Mark Twain

“So many of our dreams at first seem impossible, then seem improbable, and then, when we summon the will, they soon seem inevitable.” ―Christopher Reeve

“If you take responsibility for yourself, you will develop a hunger to accomplish your dreams.” ―Les Brown


“The secret of getting ahead is getting started.” —Mark Twain

“The good news is that at the Break of Dawn you have the choice to either stay in bed and keep dreaming or wake up and pursue your dreams. For the only one who can make your dreams come true is you.” ―Bernard Kelvin Clive

“I imagine that yes is the only living thing.” ―e. e. cummings

“What you do today can improve all your tomorrows.” —Ralph Marston

“Everything is figureoutable” —Marie Forleo’s mom

Be a dreamer and a doer.

“Strivers achieve what dreamers believe.” ―Usher

“The world needs dreamers and the world needs doers But above all The world needs dreamers who do.” ―Sarah Ban Breathnach

“To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.” ―Anatole France

“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you’ve imagined.” ―Henry David Thoreau

“Walk with the dreamers, the believers, the courageous, the cheerful, the planners, the doers, the successful people with their heads in the clouds and their feet on the ground.” ―Wilferd Peterson

Change Your Mindset Change Your Life: 3 Simple Mindset Shifts That Have Made Me a Happy and Successful Solopreneur

Change Your Mindset Change Your Life: 3 Simple Mindset Shifts That Have Made Me a Happy and Successful Solopreneur

If there’s one thing I’ve learned as a serial entrepreneur who finally found success as a freelance copywriter, it’s that if you change your mindset, you can change your life.

“Change your mindset change your life” totally sounds like hyperbole, I know.

And as someone who considers herself to be very grounded and analytical, I have to think twice about saying that—not to mention putting it in writing!

So let me scooch back an inch and explain . . .

There are three fundamental beliefs, which I’ve adopted over the years, that have changed my life—and fueled my business success.

My “Entrepreneurial Mindset Trifecta” (as I’ve lovingly coined these three beliefs) has helped me build self-confidence, try new things, discover new interests, and develop new talents. It’s also empowered me to make more money, in less time, with less stress. Which in turn, gives me the time freedom to do more of the things that make me happy.

In short, adopting this mindset has helped me create a life that’s filled with purpose, freedom, and joy.

So… do I stand behind my hyperbolic sounding statement, change your mindset change your life? Heck yes, I do!

Now that that’s off my chest, let’s dive in, shall we?


3 Mindset Shifts To Change Your Life

Here are the three simple beliefs I’ve adopted that have changed my life and helped me create a happy and successful life as a solopreneur.



change your mindset bravery

When I took the leap to start my freelance copywriting business, I was a single mom of a toddler, and I didn’t have a job (I’d recently sold my previous business).

And I needed to start making money ASAP.

You’ve heard the saying, “Start before you’re ready”? That’s exactly what I did.

I started off by trying to land clients.

Right from the get-go!

Before I had any copywriting experience.

Before I had a business plan.

. . . Or a strategy of any kind. Or a website. And this was in the early 2000s, so social media wasn’t even a thing to consider.

To be clear, I’m NOT recommending this as the way to kick off a new business venture! I’ve learned boatloads since then about much smarter steps I could have taken. Plus, a lot has changed in terms of technology.

Then why am I even telling you this story, you ask? 

Because looking back, I can see that my belief in that moment of my life—which was that I had no choice but to act bravely—has stuck with me.

Nowadays, I consider bravery my superpower. And this simple mindset shift has helped change the trajectory of my life.

Back to the story . . .

I made a list of 500 businesses and organizations, found their phone numbers—and started calling and asking if they needed any copywriting help. And yes, I said CALLING. As in, talking to actual people on the phone. I called all 500 numbers in one week (huge thanks to my mom, who flew out for the week to take care of my toddler daughter while I was on the horn non-stop).

Did I want to make 500 cold calls? Hell NO. Absolutely not!! It gave me a pit in my stomach just thinking about it.

First of all, I’m an introvert. I’m also missing that go-go-go Type A gene that many people associate with successful entrepreneurs.

But I did want to start my business and be successful. And that fire in my belly motivated me to move past my fear.

At that point, the only experience I had writing marketing copy was the stuff I’d written for my own entrepreneurial ventures. I’d never written a drop of advertising or marketing copy for anyone else.

I did have some confidence in my writing abilities, but it was based on my creative writing experience. I also had some background in acting and improv.

So before each set of calls, I’d get myself in “character” and act like I was a confident, professional copywriter with a valuable service to offer.

And guess what? It got easier!

After the first few calls each day, I stopped worrying so much about how each call would go or what the person on the other end of the line would think of me. I grew a thick skin at warp speed!

A lot of the time, I’d get an answering machine (voicemail wasn’t a thing yet)—and I’d be so relieved not to have to actually talk to someone. In many cases, I couldn’t get past the receptionist or whoever that gatekeeper was—they’d either shut me down or say they’d pass along my message.

But every 47th call or so, I’d connect with the decision maker. And they’d ask me to send them samples (which I didn’t have, but quickly developed—a story for another time). Or they’d say they didn’t need any help right then but would keep my number on file. And some people were just genuinely helpful, generous, and shockingly kind.

In the end, I landed a total of three new projects out those 500 calls.

– One project didn’t even pay. It was a brochure and some other things (can’t even remember anymore) for Habitat for Humanity. But I was excited to be writing for an organization I respected–and that had some name recognition. And I figured I needed some actual writing samples pronto.

– The other two projects went  well—and both companies became my long-term clients.

And many months AFTER my cold-calling spree, one woman who I’d talked to (who didn’t have any need for outside copywriting services) referred me to her friend at another company. I would never have expected her to hold onto my number, much less refer me to a friend. The best part? That friend of hers hired me—and he became another long-term client.

Those five days of brave action, which resulted in a seemingly miserable 0.06 conversion rate, paid off in more ways than I could have ever imagined.

Here’s the lesson I learned from that experience:

To make progress, you may need to do things that scare you. Or that you don’t feel prepared to do.

Because when you take that first brave step, you set the wheels of opportunity in motion. 

do what scares you mindset


Ready to change your mindset and change your life? Then make bravery YOUR secret weapon.

Start today.

Simply DECIDE to be brave. And then DO whatever it is you’re scared to do.

Bravery is a muscle that is surprisingly easy to build!

You’ll find that with each bold, brave action you take, you build your self-confidence. Which makes it easier to take more brave actions moving forward.

Very quickly, you’ll see your bravery muscles start to grow exponentially. In fact, being brave can become addicting.

Nowadays, when I realize I’m afraid to do something, I know it means I should most definitely do that thing.

What’s something you want to achieve right now that you’re afraid to act on?

What can you do to make it happen?

Is fear or insecurity or lack of confidence holding you back? Whatever it is, shrug it off.

Figure out what you need to do … and then go do it.

When you make bravery your secret weapon, you’ll be amazed at the power you wield to transform your life.



strategic mindset

One of the hardest parts about becoming a successful entrepreneur is sticking with it. There are so many things that can make you want to give up.

Like not seeing the results fast enough. And then losing faith in your business idea.

. . . or coming up against a challenge you don’t feel like you can solve. And then losing faith in yourself and your abilities.

Or simply feeling worn down and burned out.

When those negative feelings start creeping in, keep this in mind:

  • Taking a teeny tiny step is way better than taking no step at all.
  • It’s also way better than spinning frantically out of control to do a million things at once (poorly)—while simultaneously burning yourself out, blurring your focus, and killing your joy.

– Focus on doing each thing well

– with purpose

– and with a strategy for moving you toward your goals.

That sounds nice in theory, doesn’t it?

But how do you deal with days (or periods of time) when you just can’t seem to motivate yourself to focus on any work at all?

We all have those days, right? (Even you Type-A people?)

Where you can’t stop procrastinating: scrolling social media, taking snack breaks, browsing the internet for that latest thingamabob you realize you desperately need?

When that happens, it’s not hard for hours (days, even weeks!) to slip by with very little progress.

What do you do if you’re not even feeling motivated to do one little thing?

No matter what’s causing you to put things off and lose motivation, relying on sheer will power is not a sustainable action plan.

And I say that from experience.

As I mentioned before, I’m missing that go-go-go gene. In fact, I can drift off into  laziness quite easily.

When you’re not feeling motivated to do ANY work at all (and especially when you’re trying to figure out how to become your own boss and run a successful business) consider trying these three steps that work for me:

1. Bribe yourself: Create a chart with milestones and associated rewards. I created a Google Sheet (that I named “My Milestone Gifts”), which I use to help me track my progress and stay motivated.

For example, if I finish project X by Thursday, I can take Friday off and enjoy a 3-day weekend. Or, if I achieve and sustain my new income goal for 3 months in a row, I can buy those splurge shoes I’ve been eyeing. The trick is to create rewards that motivate YOU and that reflect the importance and/or effort it’ll take to reach the milestone.

Commit to taking TINY ACTION: If you’re not in the mood to even take yourself up on a bribe, move on to this second option, which flips the script on the usual advice of taking massive action in order to succeed (which is also great, but not in this situation).

Here’s how to do it: Set a timer* for 15 minutes — and then crank out as much work as you can in that short sprint of time. When the timer goes off, you can stop if you want and move on to Step 3 below. But if you’re like me, those 15 minutes will often give you the momentum you need to keep going.

For this Tiny Action technique to work, though, you REALLY need to promise yourself that you CAN stop when the timer goes off. You also need to fully commit to full focus for those 15 minutes. Shut off your phone, don’t look at email, don’t check social media. Work straight through until the 15-minutes is up.

*TIP: I use Focus@Will as my timer. It’s my FAVORITE tool for improving focus and productivity (based on a series of questions, it scientifically determines the type of music or sounds that help YOU focus, and then you can set it to play for the amount of time you want. It’s amazingly effective at improving focus. And instead of a jolting alarm, the music simply shuts off when your time is up. To understand how effective it is, you gotta try it for yourself. I HIGHLY recommend signing up for their free trial!  

Close up shop. If nothing is working and you simply CAN NOT/WILL NOT focus on your task, don’t sit around being totally unproductive or doing things in half-assed manner. Respect yourself enough to not waste your own valuable time. Instead, take a break or just end your workday. Go do something that doesn’t have to do with your business. Take a walk. Get your grocery shopping done. Wash your dishes. Sit outside and read a book. What-evs. Do something that you will either need to do at some point anyway OR do something that will allow you to grow or learn or even just recharge.

Want to change your mindset and change your life? Stop believing that “busy is better.”

Being busy is not a sign of entrepreneurial success. It’s a sign of not being in control of your business. Indeed, making smart, strategic progress is what separates happy and successful entrepreneurs from the rest.

In other words: Strategic progress eats busy for breakfast. (Even when that means calling it quits for the day and hopping back in at full force tomorrow).



possible solvable doeable mindset

Another big ol’ lesson I’ve learned over the many years of running my own business is that being willing to learn new things is a huge part of achieving success.

We are all capable of broadening our knowledge, learning new skills, and solving big problems.

Before saying “No” to something that feels too hard or out of your comfort zone, consider saying “Yes.” Or even, “Maybe.”

Give yourself the mind space to consider what’s possible.

Be a person who seeks out opportunities to evolve and grow.

When I was a kid, my grandma (who was a librarian) told me that when you learn a new word, if you use it in a sentence ten times, “it’s yours.” I loved that!

Same thing applies here.

Every single time you learn something new, or attempt something you’ve never done before, or even just think about something in a new way—you grow in some way. Whatever you learned or gained from the experience becomes a part of you. It’s yours!

When you adopt this third belief in my Entrepreneurial Mindset Trifecta, you’ll see that you’re capable of far more than you ever thought possible.

How can you change your mindset for a happy and successful life?

Are you still wondering how changing your mindset can change your life?

Are you thinking, “Okay, these three mindset shifts worked for you, Karen. But how can I change MY mindset for a happy and successful life?”

As you begin shifting your mindset, it’s important to remember that personal transformation doesn’t happen overnight.

So be patient with yourself. Keep evolving. And embrace each new and improved evolution of you.


Did you find this post helpful? Do you have any questions about any of the info I’ve shared? Please let me know in the comments section below. I’ll be sure to respond. 


How to Be More Independent: My 3-Step Formula

How to Be More Independent: My 3-Step Formula

Merriam-Webster offers a slew of definitions for “independent.” In this post, I’m referring the adjective that means:

Not dependent such as:

– not requiring or relying on something else

– not looking to others for one’s opinions or for guidance in conduct

– not requiring or relying on others (as for care or livelihood)

If you’re feeling like your independent mojo could use a boost, I hope I can help.

As a single parent and a serial entrepreneur, I’ve had no choice but to learn how to be more independent—and to do a lot of things on my own. 

Wait, let me rephrase that. I DID have a choice

I made the choice to start my own business(es) because I didn’t want to work in a 9 to 5 job. 

And I also made the choice to become a single parent (more on that later). 

I knew that if I wanted to make the most out of the life I’d created for myself, I needed to be able to rely on myself more, rather than always looking to others for opinions and guidance. 

I think I’ve always had an independent spirit. But I didn’t always have the courage or self-confidence to act on it. It took effort for me to learn how to be more independent! 

Over the years (er, decades), I’ve started making more decisions on my own. Business decisions, parenting decisions, financial decisions, and run-of-the-mill, everyday life decisions. Things like:

– Should I allow my (then-5-year-old) daughter to wear a strapless crop top, embroidered jean shorts, 1-1/2” espadrille sandals, and a bright pink head scarf to the first day of kindergarten? Or dampen her own independent spirit, and make her change into something a bit less Coachella?

– Should I invest $10K for an online business course?

– Should I move back to California from Colorado?

– What software should I use for invoicing my clients?

– Should we take a 2-week vacation even if it means my daughter will miss four days of school and a couple volleyball practices?

– Should I form an LLC for my business or remain a sole proprietor?

Decision-making, of course, is just one factor in becoming more independent. 

In my decadeslong journey to becoming more independent, I’ve also learned how to DO more things for myself. Again, this goes for both the business and the personal stuff. 

Some examples of things I’ve learned how to do:

  • Build an “out-of-the-box” website on Weebly 
  • Snake a clogged bathroom sink 
  • Shovel snow efficiently, without breaking my back (being born and raised in California, this was a big challenge for me)
  • Braid my daughter’s hair in a BAZILLION different styles (I watched a LOT of online videos)


Importantly, I’ve also learned to ask for help and/or hire others (e.g. plumber, accountant, business coach) when it makes sense to do so. 

I feel like I could write an entire book on how to become more independent.

But for this blog post, I’m going to focus on the story of how I came up with my basic formula for how to become more independent.

It’s a super simple formula to remember. But alas, the implementation part takes ongoing work. *sigh*

Why Entrepreneurs Must Learn to Be More Independent

If you’re on this Grab Your Happy blog, you’re likely an entrepreneur—or an aspiring entrepreneur.

And as an entrepreneur, you’ll have a very hard time succeeding if you can’t solve problems, make decisions, and take action without relying on other people’s opinions, guidance, and/or validation. 

You need to figure out how to become your own boss. Being independent is a huge part of that.

Unfortunately, many aspiring entrepreneurs, and women in particular, inadvertently sabotage their business success because they lack the courage and/or confidence to be more independent. 

In short, learning how to be more independent is vital to your entrepreneurial success. 

And with entrepreneurial success comes wealth, freedom, fulfillment—and joy in so many aspects of life. 

It takes work. But it’s soooo worth it!

When I Finally Learned How to Be More Independent

Here’s the abbreviated version of the period of my life when I truly learned how to become more independent. 

I was 36 years old. I wasn’t married. And my biological clock was TICKING. LIKE. THIS! 

So I decided to have a baby on my own. 

By my calculations, there just wasn’t time to hold out in the hopes of falling in love, getting married (or not), and then getting pregnant—all within a timeline that worked for me. So I took the leap to have a baby on my own (“friend/donor” for those of you who must know). 

But wait, there’s more!

I’d just launched a new business with a friend only six months earlier (a prepared meal delivery service; more on that here).

To most people, deciding to have a baby on my own—not to mention doing so at the same time I was in the early stages of a new business venture—probably seemed wildy irresponsible, risky, selfish, and/or just plain stupid. 

But the thing is, I KNEW it was the right decision for me. 

What seemed riskier and scarier was the alternative. Waiting it out “just a bit longer” to see if I would meet the man of my dreams, get married, have a family, and live happily ever—while risking the chance that it would happen too late, or not at all. 

Any feeling or societal pressures about being a “single mom by choice” (it’s a real term, as I learned after the fact), was fully ECLIPSED by my desire to be a mom. 

As for the business venture, it was the same underlying feeling. 

Any fears, trepidation, and feelings of insecurity I’ve ever had about starting my own business have paled in comparison to the thought of working a 9 to 5 job. 

Having a baby at that time was by far the best decision I’ve ever made, or ever will make for that matter. My crowning glory in life. 

And my decision to start the meal delivery business changed the course of my life for the better, as well. 

My business partner and I sold our gourmet meal delivery business after just two years. My daughter was a toddler at that time, and more than ever before, I knew I didn’t want to enter the corporate world and get a 9 to 5 job. 

I needed to figure out a way to make a good income, working from home, on my own time schedule. 

In the end, the convergence of those two actions—starting the gourmet meal delivery business and deciding to have a baby—drove me to launch my online copywriting business. Which has allowed me to be my own boss, earn six-figures a year, and work just 20-30 hours per week.

3 Steps for Becoming More Independent

Becoming independent feeds on itself. 

With each new step you take to become more independent—whether it’s making a big decision or figuring out a problem on your own—you grow a bit. You learn from your wins. But you learn even more from your missteps and setbacks. 

And as you grow, you gain even more confidence and courage. Which empowers you to be even more independent, more often. 

But here’s the kicker. 

In order to be truly independent—and to achieve all the benefits and joy that come from controlling your own life path—you need to be able to follow your own inner compass. You need to understand what you want and why. 

In short, you need to become self-aware. 

Which brings me to my formula for becoming more independent. 

Drumroll please . . .

Action + Self-Awareness + Confidence = A MORE INDEPENDENT YOU

The first step to becoming more independent is simply to take action.

Don’t put it off. 

Push yourself ever-so-slightly outside your comfort zone. For example, make small but firm decisions throughout your day, then build up to bigger ones as your “independent” muscles grow. 

Keep it up! Start making more decisions, doing more things, and solving more problems on your own.

And next time you think about asking someone how to do something (or asking someone to do something for you), take a moment to think about if it’s something worth figuring out on your own.

The more you trust and rely on yourself for answers and guidance, the more self-aware you’ll become—and the more confidence you’ll have in the choices you make and the actions you take.  

Combine those three things, and voilà! You’ve become more independent. 



how to be more independent formula

Being Independent Gets Easier Over Time

Each time you take an independent action you’ll become more self-aware and more self-confident. And as you gain more self-awareness and self-confidence, you’ll find it easier to do more things independently. Stick with it, and you’ll start seeing exponential results.



Life Reset: 59 Online Business Ideas for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Life Reset: 59 Online Business Ideas for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Life Reset: 59 Online Business Ideas for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Does the idea of creating your own online business, earning a big income, and having the freedom to work whatever days and hours YOU choose fill you with giddy excitement? 

If so, you may have entrepreneuricitis digititis.

Don’t panic, though. The condition, which has been spreading at breakneck speed in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, is completely normal and manageable.

If you’ve got it, but haven’t taken action to address it, think about what’s holding you back from going after your entrepreneurial dreams. Common examples include: 

  • Fear of being heckled and judged by your friends and family
  • Fear of failing, going broke, and slinking back to your previous career with your head hung low 
  • Lack of knowledge about how the eff you can actually even make money with an online business

As a serial entrepreneur who hit on business success after a few failures — I mean, learning experiences — I’m here to help face your entrepreneuricitis digititis head on.

For now, let’s get started on your life reset by addressing the third bullet point above: Lack of knowledge about how the eff you can actually even make money with an online business. 

I’ve experienced that gut wrenching feeling of knowing you want to reset your life and do your own thing, but not having a clue about WHAT that ‘thing’ will be.

I’ve been where you are, my friend. I feel your pain. 

To kick your entrepreneurial brain into gear, sometimes you just need to see what others are doing.

In this post, I’ve compiled 59 online business ideas. Use them as inspiration as you to take your first critical steps toward resetting your life — and achieving your entrepreneurial dreams.  


For a complete 16-point checklist on how to start a successful online business, read this post next: How to Become Your Own Boss.


Life Reset Category 1: Online Coaching and/or Consulting


online business coach

Share your expertise with others, whatever it may be. Some ideas for online coaching/consulting businesses include:

1. Business coach

2. Website SEO consultant

3. Life coach

4. Parenting coach

5. Health and wellness coach

6. Home organization consultant

7. Public relations consultant

8. Fitness coach/trainer

9. Startup business consultant

10. Social media consultant for businesses

11. Interior design consultant

12. Garden design consultant

13. Style/clothing consultant

14. Anger management coach

15. College admissions consultant

16. Travel consultant


Life Reset Category 2: Blogging 


food blogger online business idea

Start a blog website focused on your business niche. Then decide how you’re going to make money from your blog. The most common ways to monetize a blog include:  

17. Creating and selling products related to your business niche. These can be physical products or digital products (e.g. online courses, downloadable ebooks)

18. Doing affiliate marketing (i.e. promoting other companies’ products/services and earning a commission on of any sales that come through your link)

19. Selling ad space

20. Writing sponsored posts (e.g. other businesses pay you to write a post on your blog — usually showing their company/product/service in a good light)

Some popular blog categories include food blogs, travel blogs, business blogs, finance blogs, and health and fitness blogs.

But when it comes to blog niche ideas, the possibilities are endless. Most of the business ideas listed in the Coaching & Consulting category above, for example, could also work as profitable blog niches. 

In addition to your blog, you might also consider starting a YouTube channel and/or podcast in the same niche–to expand your online platform and reach a broader audience. 


Life Reset Category 3: Remote Professional Services


Use your expertise to offer professional services remotely. Ideas include:

21. Graphic designer

22. Website designer (and/or website theme designer)

23. Copywriter

24. Non-fiction ghost writer

25. Speechwriter

26. Resume/CV and cover letter writer

27. Virtual assistant

28. Educational tutor

29. Online researcher

30. Editor 

31. Proofreader

32. Translator

33. Foreign language teacher

34. Cooking instructor

35. Legal consultant (business or personal)

36. Social media manager

37. Accountant or bookkeeper

38. Nutritionist

39. Therapist

40. Financial advisor


Life Reset Category 4: Remote Technical Services


Use your expertise to offer technical services remotely. Ideas include:

41. Website developer

42. App developer

43. Video producer/editor

44. IT support specialist


Life Reset Category 5: e-Commerce 


ecommerce business idea


Promote and sell physical products online, then ship them to the buyer. Ideas for what you can sell are endless. Create your own products or use a dropshipping model.

Some ideas include:

45. Handmade jewelry

46. Your own clothing line

47. Flip your vintage and/or thrift store finds

48. T-shirts with sayings printed on them

49. Your own art (or NFTs? Eh, maybe not.)

50. Holistic pet treats

51. Gourmet dog food (subscription packages!)

52. Custom pet portraits

53. Natural/organic beauty products

54. Handcrafted furniture

55. 3D-printed products

56. Health & wellness products

57. House plants and planters

58. Curate gift boxes and/or care packages

59. Invent/develop your own niche product 

Is there another online business idea I didn’t mention? Let me know in the comments, and I’ll update this Life Reset post with the best ideas (along with a link crediting you for the idea).

How to Become Your Own Boss: The Complete 16-Point Checklist for Starting a Successful Online Business

How to Become Your Own Boss: The Complete 16-Point Checklist for Starting a Successful Online Business

I partner with some companies I love! Some of the links on this page may be affiliate links, which means if you make a purchase through one of the links, I may earn a small commission at no additional cost to you.

Are you dreaming of quitting your day job and striking out on your own?

Or have you already taken steps to start an online business, but are now feeling lost at sea?

Either way, this post is for you, my entrepreneurial friend!

If you’ve been trying to figure out how to start an online business and become your own boss, you may have already done some research. But you want to learn more!

In this post, I’ve assembled a complete, 16-point checklist to guide you through your business journey, from conceiving it—to planning it—to building it—to running it.

Bonus: Download a FREE Quick-Start Workbook for helpful prompts, guidance, and checklists to help you get started today!

How to Become Your Own Boss, Phase 1: CONCEIVE IT

#1 Set Your Goals

First things first: Set some big goals.

Like BIG big.

You want to make a significant change in your career and your life, right? Right!

So aim high, and kick your limiting thoughts to the curb.

Most likely, you want to start your own online business and be your own boss so that you can make more money, in less time, with less stress—and then live a happier, more fulfilled and balanced life.

That’s an amazing dream. But it’s vague.

Before you embark on your entrepreneurial journey, it’s important to get clear on your goals, especially those related to income and time freedom.

How much money do you want to make? Within what timeframe? How many hours do you want to work each week? Do you want to take summers off to travel?

Be specific. Write it down. Plant the seeds for your success!

And don’t edit or second-guess yourself. Your goals can (and I’m quite certain, WILL) evolve over time.

This is your launching point. Why not aim for stars?!

#2 State Your Why

Once you’ve written down your big business goals, you need to get very clear on your WHY.

Think about what you want your life to look like—and how starting an online business and achieving your big goals will allow you to realize that vision.

For example, if your first big goal is to earn $15,000 minimum every month, working only 20 hours per week, think about WHY you want those things.

This is empowering. Because you get to see the potential for taking control, being your own boss, and creating your own best life.

Do you want time freedom so you can spend more time with your kids while they’re still little?

Or to spend more time volunteering for causes you believe in?

Want to create steady, passive income—and semi-retire? 

Do you want the money and flexibility to travel whenever the mood strikes you—to your vacation home on the cliffs of Cinque Terre, Italy?

Building a successful and sustainable online business isn’t always easy. There will be ups and downs and tough problems to solve along the way.

When you come up against obstacles in your entrepreneurial journey, knowing your WHY is the thing that will keep you motivated and determined to make it work.

#3 Reset Your Mind

For many people, achieving entrepreneurial success starts with an identity shift.

To BE a successful entrepreneur, you need to SEE yourself as an entrepreneur.

You need to be ready and willing to solve problems and overcome obstacles.

Absolutely no “manifesting” things to happen. As an entrepreneur, you need to take action to MAKE things happen.

You need to be able to train your brain to think critically, solve problems, take smart risks, and be confident in your decisions—and in yourself.

Resetting your mind is often an essential step for resetting your life.


How to Become Your Own Boss, Phase 2: PLAN IT

#4 Determine Your Business Idea

You’ve now set some big, juicy goals—and you know why you want to achieve them.

Next, it’s time to figure out WHAT the heck you’re actually going to do.

If you already have a business idea in mind, you’re one of the lucky ones (go ahead and skip this step, Superstar).

But if you’re like I was with EVERY business I’ve started, you may know you want to make some changes in your career and your life.

And you’d like to start an online business so you can be your own boss and create the financial freedom and time freedom you crave.

But you might not yet have any idea what your new business will be.

To come up with a profitable business idea that will suit you, start by thinking about:

– what you have experience or training in
– what you’re good at
– what you enjoy doing
– what you love learning about

Make a list in all those categories, then do some research to see what other types of online businesses exist that might overlap with some of the things on your list.

Then make a decision.

This part can feel like a struggle. You may be tempted to go down a rabbit hole, trying to land on THE perfect online business idea that will earn you millions.

Don’t let yourself get struck by analysis paralysis!

What’s most important at this stage is to spend a few days (or maybe even a few weeks if that feels better to you) brainstorming. Then make your decision and keep  >>  moving  >>  forward.

how to be your own boss - 'keep moving forward' napkin

As you move through the next steps in this checklist, new ideas and inspiration will continue to emerge.

To get your creative juices flowing, here are 59 online business ideas.

#5 Niche Down

Once you’ve settled on your broad business idea, it’s time to “niche down”, which is just business speak for getting more specific about WHO you will serve and how you will do so.

For example, if your big business idea is to start a blog about parenting, you will need to decide precisely WHO you will serve. Parents of newborns? Stay-at-home dads? Parents of kids with ADHD? And then, based on your audience, do some research to figure out how you can help — and how you will make money by helping! Because in order for your online business to be profitable, you need to get paid.

#6 Decide on Your Money-Making Model

Next, it’s time to decide how you will earn money with your online business.

Will you sell physical products that you ship out in the mail?

Or sell digital products that you deliver online or via download (like ebooks and online courses)?

Will you provide professional services remotely (e.g. copywriting services; graphic design services; legal services; coaching).

Have you thought about selling ad space?

Or doing affiliate marketing (i.e. promoting other companies’ stuff and getting a percentage of any sales that come through you)?

Depending on the business and niche you choose, the answer here may be a no-brainer. But still, it’s worth putting some thought into. Since, you know . . .

. . . actually making money is an important part of the whole “how to be your own boss and start your own business” thing. 


How to Become Your Own Boss, Phase 3: BUILD IT

#7 Build Your Website

Regardless of whether you’re selling physical products or digital courses, providing professional services remotely, earning income from affiliate marketing, or anything else – it’s important to have an online presence. Because that’s what it means to have an online business.

And the “storefront” for your online business will be your website.

The simplicity or complexity of your website will depend on your business model.

For example, you may only need a static one-page website (like I have for my copywriting business).

On the other end of the spectrum, you might need a complex, multi-page, e-commerce website with shopping cart capabilities and other stuff (I honestly don’t know much about e-commerce at all).

Or you may need something in between, like this blog website you’re on right now.

There are plenty of resources available to help you get your website up and running. I used Weebly to build my simple one-pager freelance copywriting website, which was super easy to create.

But to build this website, I took a Launch Your Blog Business course from the team at Create and Go. The course helped save me a TON of time and frustration. Lauren, who teaches the majority of the lessons, is incredibly thorough and offers step-by-step guidance that was well worth the price of the course. If you’re planning to launch a blog business, I highly recommend this course.

launch your blog course




If you do some research, you’ll find lots of resources and options to help you build your own website.

Another option is to hire someone to build your site for you. But that can get expensive—and it also means you’ll have less control over your website. And it will be more difficult (and/or more expensive) if you want to make any changes to it in the future.

#8 Do the Legal Stuff


That said, here are some things you should know when starting your business.

Website legal pages: When you’re building your website, you’re going to want to include three critical legal pages to your website, including a Privacy Policy, Disclaimer, and Terms & Conditions.

TIP: Check out Amira’s legal template bundles – that’s what I used to create the legal pages on this website. Amira is a lawyer, and she created a broad series of legal templates that you can customize to your needs just by answering a few quick questions. Done and dusted!

Sole proprietor? Corporation? LLC? Partnership? 

When you start your own business, you need to decide on your legal business structure.

If you’re not planning on having any employees, and you’ll be a one-person-show, choosing a “sole proprietor” structure will be by far the easiest choice when you’re starting out.

Because there’s not much you’ll need to do. As a sole proprietor:

  • You file your business taxes on your 1040 personal tax form, with the inclusion of a Schedule C to report your business profit or loss.
  • By default, your “business name” will just be your name.
  • If you do want to use a different name for your business, you’ll need to file a DBA (an acronym for “doing business as”). It doesn’t cost much at all and is a simple process.
  • If you want to open a business checking account (which I recommend), you’ll need to apply for an EIN, which is like a Social Security number for your business. But again, it’s a simple process.

Your other options, if being a sole proprietor doesn’t suit your needs, include creating an LLC or S-Corp. Or, if you’re starting up with a partner, a Partnership.

One reason some small businesses decide against a sole proprietor structure is that because the business is really just you, and not a separate business entity, you will be personally liable for any claims made against your business. So you’ll need to weigh the risks/benefits for your specific situation (sometimes you can get liability insurance for a minimal cost).

I’m not going to even try to provide insight or advice on those options. Best to talk to a lawyer.

You may (or may not) need permits and/or licenses for your online business.

Depending on where you live and what business you’re in, you may need City or State licenses, permits, and such.

I’d suggest checking the government websites (“.gov” in  the URL) for your city and state. And if you still have questions, contact them directly (there should be contact info on the website). Or get advice from a business lawyer.

#9 Set Up Your Invoicing and Payment System

Use business software for billing (and/or creating professional looking invoices) and for taking payments. You want to make it easy-peasy for customers to pay you!

Many software services offer a free version of their product, which will often be enough for your needs when you’re just starting out. I used FreshBooks free version for many years before I finally upgraded to the paid version – I love it.


How to Become Your Own Boss, Phase 4: RUN IT

#10 Generate Business

To make money with your online business, you need customers.

Which means you’ll need to figure out a marketing plan.

Some common tactics for marketing your business and attracting customers include:

The way you choose to market your online business will depend on your niche, who you’re targeting, and what you’re selling.

#11 Set Yourself Up for Work-from-Home Success

how to become your own boss - stretch

Work smarter, not harder!

Here are my four top tips for staying productive (and avoiding burnout) when working from home:

  • Every night before a work day, write down your schedule for the next day—including what time you’ll start and END your work day. Stick to it. Otherwise, you may get nothing done. Or you may end up working around the clock.
  • Take breaks throughout the day to walk, stretch, and just to let your mind be free.
  • Use productivity tools and software that will help you run your business more efficiently. There are so many to choose from, I’ll write a post on this separately.
  • Create boundaries with family and friends (when you’re at work, you’re at work—just as if you were in an office working for someone else).

#12 Rock Your Business Like the Pro You Are

You are running a business, and you need to treat it that way if you want to build a profitable and sustainable online business.

Please don’t refer to it as your “side hustle.”

Even if you’re still working at another job to keep a roof over your head, referring to your business as a little thing you’re doing on the side creates a dangerous, slippery slope of self-fulfilling prophesy-ness.

Calling it a side hustle might make you feel like if you fail, it’s not a big deal. That it was just a little hobby you were trying out to see if it might fly. And while that may offer some emotional comfort, it’s a dangerous way to think.

Because if you think of your business that way, you’re bound to treat it that way.

If you treat your business like a business, on the other hand, your target customers (not to mention your friends and family who you may feel are judging you) will see it that way too.

Here are some examples of how to run your business like a pro:

  • First and foremost, provide exceptional service to your customers. You want to make it easy and enjoyable for them to do business with you. For example:
    • Offer top quality products/services
    • Respond to inquiries quickly
    • Set up autoresponders in your email if you’ll be away for a few days
    • In short, treat customers the way you’d want to be treated if the roles were reversed
  • Price your products/services appropriately. And by that, I don’t mean offer bargain basement pricing. Quite the opposite! It’s important to  understand your value—and claim it.
  • Set monthly income goals, and then create a strategic plan for how you’ll achieve them.
  • Open a business checking account. As soon as you start making money with your online business, keep your business and personal finances separate. I waited a long time to do this with my copywriting business, and I regret not doing it right from the start.
  • Pay yourself. Set your salary, and pay yourself from your business account to your personal account (every two-weeks or monthly, whatever works for you).
    • In the beginning, your salary will likely be quite small, but get in the habit of doing this right from the start. Then give yourself incremental raises as you’re able.

#13 Pay Your Taxes

As a business owner in the U.S, you will need to pay your “estimated taxes” four times a year, otherwise you may face penalties.

When you work as an employee, your employer deducts taxes from your paycheck automatically. But when you work for yourself, that doesn’t happen.

Unless you pay your quarterly taxes, you will likely be hit with a big, unexpected tax payment in April. (Don’t fret, paying quarterly taxes takes about 2 minutes, there’s no forms or filing involved).

To make sure you have enough money to pay your estimated taxes, it’s a good idea to put about 30% of each month’s earnings into a special savings account you’ll use only for tax purposes.

And be sure to keep a record of ALL your business-related expenses throughout the year so you can write them off on your annual tax return.

#14 Grow and Improve

Focus on continuous improvement.

To run a successful and sustainable business, it’s important to keep learning and improving, and growing. Strive to become the best at what you do.

Stay ahead of the curve and become known as an expert in your niche.

But don’t waste time trying to reinvent the wheel.

Invest in your business when doing so will help you reach your goals faster and/or with better outcomes.

Be smart with your investments, though. Don’t throw money at any shiny thing that catches your eye.

Before you pay for any courses, coaching, or software, for example, do your due diligence to determine if the investment will be worthwhile for you.

– Will it save you valuable time (freeing up more time for you to work on other aspects of your business)?

– Will it help you provide better (aka higher value) products/services for your customers?

– Will it help you reach your income goals faster?

As I noted earlier, before I launched Grab Your Happy, I took an online blog building course.

After researching the course (and consuming/evaluating a lot of the course creators’ free content), I decided to invest in not just the basic blog building course, but a premium package that includes four digital courses. It was not a small investment up front, but without it, I would have had to invest soooo much more time (I’m sure it saved me MONTHS of time) to get it up and running. As I write this post, I’m continuing to work through the remaining courses (like SEO optimization)—which are also providing MASSIVE value.

With my copywriting business, every single time I’ve paid for business coaching or digital courses, the investment has paid itself off in spades.

#15 Be Happy

No one wants to work for a mean, demanding, grumpy boss.

And since you’re your own boss . . . be a good one!

best boss mug

As you figure out how to become your own boss, it’s important to create joy in your life and in your work.

The happier you are as a person, the happier you’ll be in your business.

And vice versa.

I’ll write more posts about how to be happier in every part of your life, but for now, I’ll leave you with this nugget of brilliant simplicity, which I overheard in a theater:

“Personally, I’m happier when I’m happy!”

Okay, I didn’t actually “overhear” that in a theater. It’s a line from a one-woman comedy show I wrote in my 20s with the politically incorrect title, “Dumb Blondes & Other Nightmares.”

But it’s a fact that’s (maybe, maybe not) backed by science.

#16 Persist

When it comes to business success, persistence is queen.

Because if you don’t have the passion and mindset to overcome challenges, you’re bound to fail.

You’ve likely the heard this overly-quoted remark from Steve Jobs. But in case you haven’t (or if you need to hear it again), here it is:

“I’m convinced that about half of what separates the successful entrepreneurs from the nonsuccessful ones is pure perseverance.”

If you followed Step #3 of this checklist, you’ll be in the right mindset to persevere.

You’ll push through challenges. Problem-solve. And maybe even pivot in a new direction when you determine it’s the smart thing to do.


How can I put these tips into action right away?

Download my free workbook to get started today!

Wanna Know How to Escape the 9 to 5? Welcome to My Blog

Wanna Know How to Escape the 9 to 5? Welcome to My Blog

Trying to figure out how  to escape the 9 to 5 grind? Or break free from the golden handcuffs of your high-powered-but-increasingly-miserable corporate career? Welcome to Grab Your Happy, kindred spirit!

Lots of business coaches and bloggers and successful solopreneurs talk about the importance of shifting your mindset in order to finally set out on your own — and live out your dreams of freedom, financial security, and fulfillment.

But not everyone agrees on the mindset elements that are essential to such success.

Can I share a dirty little secret with you?

I don’t believe in destiny. Or fate. Or manifesting.

In short, I pooh-pooh a lot of the woo-woo.

If I can do it, so can you. Really!

I’m a pragmatist at heart. But I also believe in taking calculated risks. And I think that those two things have helped me get where I am with my business.

As a serial entrepreneur, I’ve I had a lot of ups and downs and small wins and fantastic failures over the past few decades. One thing I’ve figured out is that the way you think — about your business, yourself, and life in general — has a lot to do with your ultimate success.

As far as mindset goes, there are four key areas that have helped me succeed as an entrepreneur. None of which have to do with channeling “abundance” or writing love songs to money.

how to escape the 9 to 5 - magic lantern

To be a successful entrepreneur, you need to be able to:

1) Think strategically

2) Take smart risks

3) Keep learning

4) And enjoy the ride

Once you’ve trained your brain to do those four things, you’re pretty much golden.

And you can kiss your 9 to 5 job buh-bye! 

woman celebrates how to quit the 9 to 5
woman celebrates how to quit the 9 to 5
woman celebrates how to quit the 9 to 5

Because when you hit bumps in the road (which is inevitable as an entrepreneur), you’ll be in the right mindset to problem solve, make confident decisions, and take swift action.

And because you’ll be enjoying the process, you’ll have the stick-to-it-ness you need to succeed. Which is perhaps the most important thing of all.

When you stick it out, you give yourself the time and space to learn and grow. With time, you’ll figure out what works for you. You’ll understand how to become your own boss. You’ll get better at the whole entrepreneur thing. You’ll gain new skills and build self-confidence and learn to claim your value. And when you do that, others will see your value, too.

Which brings me to WHY I started this blog. 

I was raised to believe it’s impolite (gross, actually) for people to talk about how much money they make. And honestly, it still feels like an icky thing to do. But I’m going to do it anyway to make a point. 

I earn a six-figure income with my online copywriting business. And I typically work about 20 to 30 hours per week.

In other words, it’s totally possible to make a living on your own terms, as your own boss, without working around the clock. If I could do it, you can too. 

I knew early on that I’m just not cut out for a 9 to 5 job. In fact, the only time I’ve had a regular job, with set business hours, and a steady (albeit paltry) paycheck, was when I was living in a ski town for a year in my 20s — and I worked in a bank during the “off-season” (aka, during the months when the ski resort was closed).

I started Grab Your Happy (this blog website you’ve landed on) because I want to help other entrepreneurially-spirited women find the confidence to strike out on their own and achieve success on their own terms.

Sure, most of the information I share here will be relevant to men too. But truth be told, I’m just kinda tired of meeting smart, talented, driven women who feel like they’re trapped in jobs they don’t enjoy.

. . . Or women who take the leap to do their own thing (like start an online business) but then hit a plateau. And either struggle to make money, working around the clock and burning out — or give up on their dreams and go back to the 9 to 5 grind.

In short, I want to help people like you (I assume, since you’ve read this far) become successful, confident, and happy entrepreneurs.

This blog is the place I’ve created to share practical tips, templates, shortcuts, guidance, and all manner of  learned-it-along-the-way advice I can muster. My hope is that you might find some little nugget in something I say that will help you chart your own path to success, be your own boss, and enjoy life on your own terms.

If you’re ready to finally grab YOUR happy, I’m here for ya.

Do you have questions or specific topics you’d like me to cover? Please, PLEASE let me know.